Salmon and tanks and Liberal
Il Fatto: L’assemblea nazionale dei Riformatori Liberali e la loro perfetta esposizione mediatica.
“ E’ l’occasione per presentarsi agli elettori della Cdl - afferma Benedetto Della Vedova - e per discutere con i nostri futuri alleati il prossimo programma di governo al quale vogliamo dare il nostro contributo .
“ Le nostre proposte - interviene Marco Taradash - tenderanno ad un programma che preveda liberalizzazioni e deregolamentazioni. L’Europa ci opprime già troppo con i suoi limiti, non c’è bisogno that our commitment to be active in creating new .
And in the end signed the press release: Barbara Alessandrini, comments: " a grid that liberal, secular, liberal proposal by liberal reformers, at least at the start, also has a very clear and concrete program . (Image placeholder)
comments from friends:
1) Galgano Palaferri
I read the statements shocked "delusional" Della Vedova on the sidelines of the Conference of Rome c. "Salmon", that the liberal reformers would be "the engine of the Liberal Degree" why "now is an extraordinary day, one can say that the salmon have started to travel upstream. There are many people who want to vote and be represented by CdL secular liberals and libertarians. We want to talk to them. "
Well, what about those people, secular, liberal and libertarian has been for years, I would say that back in 1994 where he was born the Polo over the years become CDL feel represented by the Right Hon Liberal . G: Splinter and M. Caputi and PLI 's On S. DE LUCA, R. HIGHEST now finally reunited under one banner, that of PLI Einaudi in which we are heirs and interpreters.
2) Piero Guerisoli Dear
I fully agree that the "salmon" are the latest arrivals, as a party, even if we know who are not novices. Months ago, at the time of announcement by Della Vedova, of his intention to get out of radical, for the first signs of the accession of his party membership, I contacted him to arrange a meeting at which they should participate in the Liberal Italy. Initially, the Widow
proved to be very concerned. In those early contacts did not follow anything. I tried to contact them, with no success and Mario Caputi, it is informed.
said that, although the media presence of the liberal reformers, as opposed to a news blackout on the Liberals for Italy and PLI, we bother, I do not think a move of production, especially in terms of image, point out to the four winds, and in any event because we Liberals are divided (because one must recognize that they too are the Liberals, and to hear their intentions, even real ones). I think it's more interesting and productive to go our way, continuing to do the things we believe in, not excluding that in the future, including salmon (why not? ... Who can say it) become part of a federation or confederation or polo or whatever you call, the Liberals.
Meanwhile let us not reassure the enemy, which is not really Della Vedova & C., the fact that the Liberals will continue to be divided and quarrelsome. The fact that spare tire or engine then does not bother me more ' much, even the wheels, are crucial at times
Best wishes, Peter V.
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Our comment.
most delicious salmon I have only those in Canada or Norway migrate upstream. But they are becoming increasingly rare on our tables. The salmon we eat every day in fact come from farms. They stand for life in the tanks and are fed by the farmers with food to fatten them and place them weigh more. These have a nice salmon pink flesh, are fleshy and succulent, they are found everywhere. I just do not have taste, are all equal, are very "grassolenti" ed alquanto difficili da digerirsi.
Noi preferiamo i salmoni che si industriano a risalire la corrente. Senza dubbio. Tutti gli altri li lasciamo a sguazzare nelle loro vasche, pronti ad essere presi all’amo per finire sulla tavola imbandita di chi li paga.
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