Thursday, February 9, 2006

Skier Hurt Stratton Jan 17 2010

The crisis of PLI Milan

While in Rome, the PLI is working to stand alone the general election, a unilateral decision of a few members does it disappear in Milan.

This crisis has precise and last names: some members are simple, others are of regional leadership roles entrusted to them with a clear mandate: to defend and assert the identity of the Italian Liberal Party in Lombardy.

As always grant anyone the right to respond to our allegations. Will publish everything as long as these replicas are precise and concentrated mainly on the facts below. May not be used out of context.

start then.

November 19, 2005. the Regional Congress of the PLI was elected by acclamation the Office of the Secretary made Luigi Paganelli (PLI expression of the Presidium of Monza and Brianza, Italy), Mario Caputi (expression of the political movement Right Liberal / Liberal Italy) and Mariarosa Varotto (expression of the Presidium PLI of Pavia). The Executive Secretary shall record in the first meeting of a detailed business plan oriented to the formation of working groups aimed at raising the PLI Lombard. In particular, she creates three:
  1. What to elaborate the joint program (made from red-head who is appointed-and Tescari, Melley and Porphyry Todaro)

  2. What charged with engaging in political discussions with other forces, in order to assess any possible alliance (it included the heads of the provincial presidents and the Office of Secretary as Policy Coordination)

  3. those in charge of the work reunification of the rest of liberal that have not yet recognized in the Liberal Party, made up Gabriel Splinter (which was to be appointed chairman), Giancarlo Morandi, Alberto Panigalli and Pierangelo Rossi.

January 16, 2006. Right Liberal / Liberal Italy, in a meeting open to all, his proposal to participate in the administration of Milan, where a list appears the name of the PLI and its own candidate for mayor, and say they are ready to discuss this proposal with all amici liberali lombardi.

2 Febbraio 2006 . Giancarlo Morandi, Pino Samà e Giampaolo Berni chiamano gli iscritti milanesi per “scegliere” se presentare una lista insieme ai repubblicani e ai riformatori liberali in appoggio alla Signora Moratti. Nel corso della riunione, Giancarlo Morandi e Pierangelo Rossi annunciano un convegno (Circolo della Stampa, 10 Febbraio) per la presentazione ufficiale della lista. Pierangelo Rossi illustra brevemente il programma. Mario Caputi prende la parola e critica la “scelta”. Luigi Paganelli prende la parola e la appoggia. Con email del 3 Febbraio, Luigi Paganelli informa tutto il PLI lombardo della “scelta”, allegando il nuovo logo (dove per inciso scompare la bandiera e scompare il nome del PLI) ed invita tutti gli amici a diffondere la notizia e a far promozione del convegno del 10 Febbraio.

La “scelta” affrettata ed unilaterale da parte di una parte PLI milanese ha profonde conseguenze, essendo molto dannosa per la situazione contingente in cui versa il PLI nazionale oltre che per gli effetti dirompenti in seno alla Segreteria Regionale lombarda.

Vediamo in dettaglio:

  1. This "choice" harm the national policy of PLI . While the National Secretariat, on behalf of Mr Stefano de Luca, mustering all the cadres of the Party for the very difficult business to run alone in the forthcoming policy, in Milan - the economic capital of Italy and perhaps even political-the PLI drowned sees its identity and it shows ousted from the elections. This "choice" PLI cancel the mark in the Italian city of reference, has always been liberal, to run after an alliance and a civic list that has yet to be defined in all its details.

  2. Questa “scelta” è un regalo ad altre forze politiche. Questa “scelta” mette sullo stesso piano le forze del PLI e di DL/LpI su Milano con quelle (tutte da verificare in termini elettorali) dei salmoni e dei repubblicani. Alle ultime elezioni provinciali di Milano, DL/LpI prese lo 0,7% dei voti, diventato 1,5% al Collegio 3 di Milano. Alle regionali del 2005, il PLI a Milano prese l’1%. Dove saremmo arrivati assieme? Questa “scelta” rende impossibile verificarlo.

  1. Questa “scelta” tradisce il mandate of the regional congress of the PLI Lombard . The Regional Congress of November brought together more than a hundred liberal Lombard in the common aspiration to revive the identity of the PLI in Lombardy. The "choice" removes any visibility to the PLI to the benefit of many other political movements that are increasingly rubbing of the term "liberal". This "choice" rather than focus on the birthright of the mark, he takes away from the elections. The "choice" is therefore contrary to the conclusions of the Regional Congress because it protects the identity of the PLI in Lombardy.

  2. This "Choice" does not respect the agreements made in Congress Regional Lombardo . The working group (committee) for the reunification of the Liberals, whose sole purpose was precisely to draw common platforms with other liberal groups Lombard, has never been given the opportunity to work: Gabriele Glitter has never been appointed president and Alberto Panigalli has never been allowed to join. These omissions resulted in a letter of complaint to the Regional Secretary Luigi Paganelli signed by myself and other friends. This letter of censure is still no formal response.

  3. This "choice" was made in defiance of decisions of the Secretary .
Before the regional congress, Pierangelo Rossi has met twice with myself and with Gabriel Glitter on the liberal program. It was demonstrated careful to understand what we proposed, to incorporate what they liked and discard with the decision than he was a genius. After the regional conference as-told-the Regional Secretariat had appointed a working group on the program and Pierangelo Rossi was appointed its manager. This working group is not has never met. By what right, I ask, you can say that the program is the program of Pierangelo Rossi PLI? Who has made the decisions della Segreteria Regionale? Chi non rispetta le regole che ci si era dati in Lombardia?

  1. Questa “scelta” è formalmente corretta solo per pura fortuna. L’atto di costituzione del presidio milanese del PLI, firmato da Giampaolo Berni e Pino Samà, NON risale al Dicembre 2004 come sempre comunicato e ritenuto, ma al Gennaio 2006. Di questo se ne è accorto il sottoscritto, che dopo aver telefonato alla Segreteria romana, aveva avvisato l’amico Berni di regolarizzare la nascita del suo Presidio. Senza tale atto, la riunione del 2 febbraio fatta a nome presidium of the PLI-Milan was also formally completely irregular.

  2. This "choice" is instead made in a personal capacity. Since the working groups called by the Regional Secretariat of the PLI to join the Liberals, to define a common agenda and to identify a shortlist of possible shared alliances have never met, it is glaringly obvious that no one may be entitled to speak on behalf PLI of Lombard, either on a common list with other liberals, either in its definition of a program, nor within the definition of alliances. Those who did may not have done that are merely personal. We repeat: Morandi and Rossi hanno nessun titolo per decidere a nome del PLI Lombardo. Samà e Berni non possono unilateralmente decidere senza consultare l’Ufficio di Segreteria su una città così importante come Milano.

  3. Questa “scelta” è stata tenuta nascosta a tanti. Le affermazioni fatte giovedì 2.02 da Morandi, Samà, Berni e Rossi, nonché la mail di Paganelli di venerdì 3.02, dimostrano che non c’erano due scelte sul tavolo, ma UNA sola. Quei liberali milanesi convenuti non stavano quindi scegliendo nulla: solo prendendo atto di una “scelta” unilaterale già presa da pochi.
E mentre a Roma l’On. Stefano de Luca rightly considered it appropriate to convene the third National Council before deciding the line held at the PLI policies, in Lombardy there was only one preparatory meeting for this "choice" nor it was considered appropriate to involve the Deputy Secretary PLI of Lombardy and the intentions of the consequences of it despite the regional congress, despite the recent alliance with DL / LPI and despite the common journey just begun.
For the eight reasons listed above is not clear how damage has been done to national PLI, has betrayed the spirit of the Regional Congress Lombardo and-especially-has been used misuse the name of the PLI.
For the same reasons, the "choice" can not bind members to the Liberals in Lombardy and is considered invalid, the Secretary of Paganelli , which, if truly cultivate respect for the party which he said to join, should not sign and speak on behalf of the PLI-and-seek in the case to take positions in fledgling list Liberals, Republicans and liberal reforms.

  1. From Deputy Secretary of PLI Lombard, says he does not recognize the "choice" and commit from now on to find other ways to defend the identity, name and logo of the PLI to the next electoral contest .

  2. coordinator of Milan DL / I DL LPI / LPI freed from any commitment in the Regional Congress of PLI, then free to dissolve an alliance into crisis by the people ' had originally pursued free-and-above all to show up at the next elections with a name, a flag with a yellow background, an identity, a strong program and people of liberal and coherent identity of continuous membership and courageous policy.

Mario Caputi


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