Festival 2008>> Why a Festival? Note issues
notes by prof. Massimo Puliani
A monographic MULTIPLE festival appearances for artists, musicians and journalists.
REPORT PAOLINI, is therefore a real relationship (with analysis, dati, esplorazioni, visioni ...) sulla produzione teatrale, musicale, televisiva, documentaristica e cinematografica di Marco Paolini.
Sulle sue tracce troveremo diversi indizi, testimoni e complici, da Carlo Mazzacurati a Giovanna Marini, da Ilvo Diamanti a Milena Gabanelli, da Sergio Staino ai Mercanti di Liquore, da Daniele del Giudice a Mario Rigoni Stern (a cui dedichiamo il Festival). La TESI
Informazione Spettacolo: Verità Finzione?
sabato 2 agosto: - ore 17.00 Teatro della Fortuna – Sala Verdi Spettacolo informazione: verità finzione? Tavola rotonda con la partecipazione di Maro Dondero (reporter fotografo) Paolo Angeletti – Franco Elisei – Lorenzo Furlani (giornalisti) Interviene with a witness in video Ilvo Diamonds conductor: Massimo Puliani
will be projected as an introduction, an interview with Orson Welles from the film "La ricotta" by Pier Paolo Pasolini (1963)
the "show" feeds Information, Chronicle. On the one hand is
purpose as a narrative, as an impetus for reflection, discussion, with a different point of view, it becomes the same as the other
(negative?) Of a mixture between reality 'and reality, where there stands most of what happened and what is fictional.
Here, unlike the previous example, we are before a general information / Entertainment synonymous of disease, 'invasiveness' in the private sphere that protects privacy, which does not respect the freedom of individuals.
REPORT By Marco Paolini Marco Paolini's work suggest that it is always marked by a story-telling style, which combines narrative sensibility, linguistic creativity and social commitment. , Vajont facts or the mystery of Ustica or Sergeant Stern, born of a need for transmission of a historical memory of facts and events that tell the story in a theatrical and musical horizons, our recent history. The intent is not accurate reconstruction of it, but the repetition of it with a watchful eye to what these stories still represent. Paolini has shown this capacity for dialogue and reflection, combining the scene, the art of 'story-telling that has deep roots, going from the Commedia dell'Arte Folk Storytellers, the processing of music songwriters, who feed on poetry (from a Rodari De Luca, Biagio Marin Dino bell). The actor
Venetian is one of the most significant points of convergence of the theater in Italy.
The program we are launching is very interesting, as it passes through a specific:
A conference on TV and four video projections. The audience
(Ie the number of spectators who followed the television broadcasts of the works of Marco Paolini) has given these significant results:
"THE TALE OF VAJONT - 9 October '63"
(prod. Moby Dick 1993 - Theatres on the Riviera and RAI 2, ed. Einaudi 1999)
(Live Rai 2 October 9, 1997 from the dam Vajont)
3 million and a half and 15 percent on the previous experience RaiDue.
"I-TIGI - SONG FOR USTICA" (prod. Jole, 2000 ed. Einaudi 2001, live on Rai 2 Piazza Santo Stefano in Bologna July 6, 2000)
None, Rai, conceals the satisfaction of the collected plays "The TIGI, Canto Ustica," the new show aired in Marco Paolini late evening and followed by 1 million and 813 000 people (13.03% share).
Paolini maybe smile, but his song to Ustica, the best result of late night, beat in terms of TV ratings, the "Maurizio Costanzo Show", which had to settle for 1 million 153 thousand (share of 18:52)
THE MILLION (Venetian book - 1997)
scored 2 million viewers and 10 percent in prime
(prod. JOLEFILM, 2004 - A 7 live on October 30, 2007 from Cava Arcari of Zovencedo) - La7 surprise plays in the challenge of the program seen by 1 million 232 thousand spectators at 5.5% share
(Prod. 1995 - live on February 1 .2008 La7 by Filmore Cortemaggiore)
232mila one million viewers, 6% share
Marco Paolini Marco Paolini, who was born in Belluno in 1956, is an actor, writer and director.
From the seventies to 1994 he served on several theater groups, including Mestre and Tag Theatre Workshop Theatre seventh. In the nineties
produces Vajont The story, which received the Special Prize for political theater Ubu 1995, Idi Award 1996 for best new Italian. Broadcast live on Rai 2, in 1997 he won the Oscar for best television program of the year.
Among his other numerous productions include: Transit Stations album of stories (1999), I-tigi song for Ustica (2000), chemical Parliament (2002).
For the cinema he worked with Daniel Segre, Nanni Moretti, Carlo Mazzacurati, Daniele Lucchetti, Franco Bernini.
MARCO PAOLINI A FANO debuted November 13, 1999 at the Teatro della Fortuna Italian Bestiary with the Dogs the Gas
interview with Marco Paolini from
Republic - October 23, 2005 Page 52 Section: SUNDAY - by Rodolfo Giammarco
" He cited the bar, paradigmatic place of his album plays, visiting the children of the province. The bar as mythical crossroads, as a second home as a refuge for athletes ... "But I want to know? In reality I had my own bar. I refer to other coffee shops in places where lingering on my lap. I portrayed with great affection the bar Jole, because home and collective goal of Jole Rugby Treviso. My transition from children 'to' adolescence, from middle school to high school first, if anything, has to do with the sociality of a table: Stop swimming with a playmate, who joined with a group of people who generally talked policy around a table. Little guys bigger than me, who would talk about interesting things like Vietnam or the situation in Portugal, carried out as extraordinary or '68, that I understood to be a revolution as the category of young people, since there exist, s' was took the stage without waiting for the 'legacy of older people, learning everything from peers. With the risks. "
In the seventies I started things with popular songbooks political folk of Woody Guthrie, the creations of Giovanna Marini (me the "drinking"), any kind of tradition. " From this culture of 'commitment to the practice of the theater is a short step. Paolini converts the territory and the political circles of learning in social communications want to stage, and the festival of Santarcangelo di Romagna 's utopia that becomes the gathering, awareness, construction projects, platform performances. But before he became Paolini Paolini, what was the internship? "In the beginning was Brecht. We put on probation for one year and a half Galileo, without being at the head. Learn by heart was hell. Instead we could, in high school in '74, the 'construction of L' exception and the rule, with a prologue and epilogue of folk songs of work, struggle.
seems that Paolini courting only the problems, scandals, tragedies choirs, the hard feelings.
His last work, Les Miserables. Me and Margaret Thatcher, it appears once again to the need to communicate the meaning of this surpassing the legitimate - but sometimes emotionally sterile - the will of historical information. In a narrative framework in the form of a ballad, through monologues, songs and short stories, the show returns the transformation of Italian society since the early eighties, following the path opened ideally a few years ago with the "Album". The former British prime minister, the "Iron Lady", is the star of an imaginary dialogue with Nicholas, already met, in fact, in the "Album". At the center of this sort of collective autobiography, the economic issue, the plot often elusive between the "micro" and "macro", the disappointments of our recent past which encroaches on the present. And so, beginning from the interwoven themes from the show, the encounter with Marco Paolini responds to the actor to think aloud sull’influenza, sempre crescente, delle regole – e dell’assenza di regole – di mercato, sul nostro modo di immaginare il futuro senza progettarlo, di vivere il presente, di rimuovere la memoria. Ma è anche un modo per una riflessione pubblica sulle strategie teatrali, drammatiche e narrative dal punto di vista di chi ha fatto della testimonianza-in forma-di-teatro un vero e proprio genere teatrale....
«Stratifico, mi vorrei concedere il lusso dell' extratemporalità e dell' anacronismo, vorrei mettere a frutto il "live", quello che ricevo dal pubblico, perché il paese vitale è diverso dal paese reale rappresentato dai media. L' ispirazione più bella nasce da un coro vigoroso fatto di storia, poesia e passioni, da una Costituente di identità. E nasce anche dalle frequentazioni: imbattersi in Meneghello o Zanzotto, discutere qualche volta all' anno con Erri De Luca con cui ho lavorato in concerto, sono doni che ti lasciano idee. Ma sto bene anche con amici che lavorano in fabbrica, con chi coltiva i campi, con chi fa il tassista. Mai, è la regola, abusare delle confidenze. Le cose durano se sono rare. M' è bastato un concerto di Bruce Springsteen, e la bellezza m' è rimasta». -
….Così, ancora una volta Marco Paolini affonda le mani in un capitolo buio della storia d’Italia. Lo fa nel suo modo: gli serve un pubblico to focus their play, but they need a text for a test result, ie to be what it is, a narrator, that is an oral storyteller. Has repeatedly stressed that Dario For as well as its matrix. But if its working methods, data collection, study and exercise, similar to the work of Dario For, and if you like to Fo's work on the context, even the most inaccessible and least poetic of our history, only Paolini is the absolute challenge of Italian theater system. Pauline refuses even the postulates, the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe show, its rituals, press relations, relations with a certain type of audience, the replicability of an event that never be repeated in the same way. Thus, it is always in the theater. But in the case of Paolini is a kind of vengeance. In his case, it becomes a structural fact: the midway, in a way all its own, including the performance of matrix and the avant-garde political theater. Before that he had ever seen. [Franco Cordelli] Date: 18/10/2001]
Corriere della Sera (Shows) - Paolini, from Vajont
"I-TIGI sing for Ustica"
"I-TIGI sing for Ustica" - was the name I-TIGI DC 9 of the 'Itavia - will also be broadcast on television, RaiDue, in' field from the "Stage". Marco Paolini, who has already moved and impressed viewers with her on the prayer calendar Vajont (three and a half million viewers were left in front of the TV 'October' 97) telling a tragedy of his homeland - was born in Belluno 46 years ago - wrote "I-TIGI" at the instigation of the 'association of relatives of victims , which is intended that the proceeds of the show, after Bologna, where he is on stage at 'Arena of the Sun until July 2, will move to Palermo, July 4 to 7 in the church of Santa Maria dello Spasimo. In Palermo they should get the 81 passengers on the DC 9 left from Bologna. Marco Paolini evokes their names, but the key of the show is not the criminalization of someone - Italian soldiers? Americans? Libyan? French? - What 's rigorous investigation, reconstruction science of the last few minutes of Ustica in the sky and what happened in the radar images, from which it was supposed to get there - and did not - the documentation necessary for judges to determine the truth. A truth that is not yet there 'is. A twenty 'years after the tragedy, Ustica is back' s current chairman of the board after Amato has sought cooperation from the governments involved.
Then, shortly after 21.30, and has lifted the curtain from the Quarry of Zovencedo Arcari (Vicenza), Marco Paolini began his personal story of Sergeant, from the book Neve Mario Rigoni Stern diary autobiographical recounts the dramatic moments of the retreat Italian Alpini in Russia, led the theater in the form of study for the first time in 2004. Rare operation on television where a play, a monologue in particular, was broadcast live in its entirety and in its rigor, without even the interval between the first and second act. A little 'as it did for "Ustica" and "Vajont" episodes remain etched in the history of television, La7 also gave space to an evening where art and commitment, literary and theater are intertwined on the small screen. The results are the Sergeant program-most watched event of the year so far on La7. The network of Telecom Italy Media announced that the airing of last night marked the beginning of his collaboration with Marco Paolini, e che La7 ospiterà i nuovi progetti pensati e ideati da Jolefilm, la sua casa di produzione di Padova.
Benissimo: un milione 232mila spettatori, 6% di share, una festa per la piccola La7 e le sue scelte controcorrente. Già, e quando sbaglia un colpo Paolini? Dal boom del Vajont, 1997, alle altre orazioni civili, l'autore-attore di Belluno, 51 anni, non fa che infilare successi che ammanta di pudore simile a quello dei rugbysti pre-era professionismo che racconterà domani sera, non a caso vigilia del Torneo delle Sei Nazioni (esclusiva La7) che sabato alle 15 vedrà l'Italia battagliare a Dublino. Album d'aprile unisce le vicende dei tumulti di piazza di metà seventies to the imaginary ones, but not too much, Jole youth rugby team Treviso. Paolini's alter ego, the so Nicholas went from tackles in the muddy fields to "discussions'" in the streets, stopping at the bar where Jolene is "shadows," kitchen "folpi (polyps) and teaches life, as does moreover, the preteoperaio (all one word) and that coach Tarciso in written and unwritten rules of rugby is more analogous to a well-known Ten Commandments. The update of the original bond (the monologue in April '74 / 5 written in the mid 90s) has left intact the text is now accompanied by the musician Lorenzo Monguzzi Merchants Liquor
As a natural evolution of the experimental program "Profession Reporter" broadcast on RAI-2 from 1994 to 1996. It was a magazine for information, which proposed a change in the method compared to traditional journalism: the video journalism. Milena Gabanelli (author of the program) gives time and space to all the freelancers who work with your camera and aim for a more engaged journalism. Invite small study, the most famous names of traditional journalism to debate on this new frontier. The union occurs, sees a weapon in the method for the reduction of seats to form a group lavoro.Da experience is unusual, perhaps unique in journalism, with a common passion: the inquiry investigation. A kind of journalism abandoned because of high costs, but perhaps also because it requires, by the journalist, a great personal commitment. The form is the old style, combined with the working method piùinnovativo between the Western network. So Gabanelli creates Report, a bet that he needed to last for years by authors who believe and the courage to withstand the rigors. Thanks to the work of journalists like Bernard Iovene, Sabrina Giannini, Stefania Rimini and Paolo Barnard head has emerged and subsequently strengthened with the contribution of other professionals gradually entered the group lavoro.Dal 2001 Report is scheduled in prime time and Today is a landmark in investigative journalism produced by Network
Milena Gabanelli ( Nibbiano , 1954) is a journalist Italian . Work as a freelance , in particular by working with Rai television programs of inquiry. [1] Born in
Tassara, a fraction of Nibbiano in the province of Piacenza , lives in Bologna, where he graduated from DAMS with a degree in film history . She is married and has a daughter named Julia. Collaborate to
Rai from 1982. He began leading current affairs programs for the three networks. Since 1991
introduces the video journalism in Italy, working alone with a camcorder, which creates a more direct style in interviews and generally in the way of television programs. Milena Gabanelli theorizes his method and taught in journalism schools.
Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Urbino, in which: he founded and directs the Laboratory of Political and Social Studies (LaPolis). E 'president of Master Technicians in territorial policies: between region and Europe. Directs the course of training and retraining in surveys, media and democracy. Analysis of public opinion in institutional and political context. He teaches Political Science and Political Sociology at the LT course in sociology and political identity and choice to vote in the LS in Sociology: identity, memory and social change. E 'was coordinator of the PhD in Sociology of cultural and regulatory processes (2001 to 2003). E 'was scientific director of the North East dells Foundation of Venice (1999 to 2003). He has the scientific responsibility of Demos & Pi. Vicenza, where regular surveys by the Italian company, including observers as Italians and the status and the Italian capital. The daily newspaper La Repubblica outlines "maps" of Italian politics and society. He holds, for some year, seminars and courses at the Ecole Doctorale of Paris II Panthéon-Assas. And 'member of the scientific and publishing of journals: Review of Sociology, Italian, Italian Journal of Political Science, Political and Economic Trends, limes, Local Development, Regional Economics and Society, Critique Internationale.
ll'anagrafe Salviucci in Marini (Rome , January 19 1937) is a musician, songwriter and ethnomusical researcher and folklorist Italian . His multifarious activities has made one of the most important figures in the study, research and performance della tradizione musicale popolare italiana, ma è autrice anche di canzoni e cantate di propria composizione.
Carlo Mazzacurati ( Padova , 2 marzo 1956 ) è un regista e sceneggiatore italiano .Figlio dell'ingegnere Giovanni Mazzacurati, è stato animatore del cineclub padovano Cinema Uno assieme a Piero Tortolina .Nel 1979 realizza grazie a un'eredità un film in 16mm , Vagabondi, che nel 1983 vince il premio di distribuzione offerto dalla Gaumont al festival milanese Filmmaker . Ma la successiva demobilization of the house to prevent distribution of films to reach the salt. He moved to Rome
, where he worked with the texts of some television programs and in 1985 writes along with the screenplay by Franco Bernini Italian Night, which turned into films in 1987 .
Conquer the Silver Lion in 1994 with the film The bull .
As a writer he worked with, among others Daniele Luchetti and Gabriele Salvatores , winning the Premio Solinas for writing Marrakech Express. She played small parts in four films of Nanni Moretti .
Mario Rigoni Stern ( Asiago , 1 novembre 1921 – Asiago , 16 giugno 2008 ) è stato uno scrittore italiano , e un grande amante delle montagne dell' Altopiano di Asiago , un vero cimbro appartenente alla cultura dei Cimbri e le sue montagne non lo dimenticheranno.
· Il sergente nella neve ( 1953 ) - Premio Bancarellino 1963
· Il bosco degli urogalli ( 1962 )
· Quota Albania ( 1971)
· Return-on-Don (1973 )
etc.. etc..
the late sixties he wrote the story and collaborated on the screenplay for The recovering, film directed by Ermanno Olmi on the history of the people of Asiago in the aftermath of World War .
subsequently published other novels in his native land and inspired great respect and love for nature . They are also well outlined in his stories which are important values \u200b\u200bof life. These are the themes of the forest grouse ( 1962) and Men, forests and bees ( 1980).
In 1999 rotates Marco Paolini a dialogue film directed by Carlo Mazzacurati , Ritratti: Mario Rigoni Stern . In the film Rigoni Stern talks about his experience of life, war, lager and the difficult return home, but also the relationship with the mountains and nature. The story as a vehicle of memory: the Sergeant is painful but crucial to bring their experience to others. About the meaning of life says:
"... the highlight of my life is when I won literary prizes or have written books, but when the night from 15 to 16 are left from here on with Don 70 alpine and walked westward to get home, and I managed to break away from my stronghold without losing a man, and succeed in organizing the first line from the release, that was the masterpiece of my life .... "
for its sensitivity to the world of nature and the mountains '11 May 1998 ' s University of Padua, he was awarded the honorary degree in forestry and environmental sciences . SERGIO
the character that made him famous, Bobo - for many resembles Umberto Eco instead allegedly inspired by himself - which publishes for the first time in 1979 in the prestigious journal Linus directed by Oreste del Buono . In the '80s working with newspapers such as Il Messaggero and Unit (with whom he still works) in 1986 he founded and directed the satirical weekly Tango, which appear on some of the biggest names in satire the period, by Gino and Michele David Riondino by Michele Serra to Lorenzo Beccati by Francesco Tullio Altan to Ellekappa by Daniel Panebarco to Andrea Pazienza, as well as guests of 'Except as Francesco Guccini . In 1987 , the strong success of the paper version of the weekly, Staino port Raitre Teletango. Televione subsequent collaborations with the public in 1990 and 1993, create a variety show hosted by satirist Claudio Bisio and Athina Cenci, Cielito lindo. During that same period, Sergio Staino also became deeply involved with the director and the script before the film Horses are born, played by Paolo Hendel and David Riondino , and then not call Omar developed from a story by Altan and made a remarkable cast ( Gaston Moschin , Stefania Sandrelli , Ornella Muti and Barbara D'Urso ).
History of Liquor Merchants begins at Monza in the mid-nineties, when three musicians come together and recognize the passion that binds them to the Italian tradition of songwriting, there is mainly a "subsidiary putative" with Fabrizio De Andrè.I Genoese singer-songwriter's most famous pieces, thus form the core of the first footage of the newly formed trio acustico.L 'originality of the arrangements and interpretation of songs such as Geordie, Creuza De But, Judge, and Bocca di rosa others are symptomatic of an attitude and a real musical that will soon lead to the creation of the Merchants original compositions of extraordinary consistency stilistica.Il their first CD, "Never fear", in 1999 and contains both original songs, is re-interpretations of ballads De Andrè.Nel 2003 debut "Song n .32 (Variable Concerto), the work marks the beginning of the artistic journey together with Marco Paolini.Lo spectacle presents itself as a popular concert, with original music by the Trade and fragments of text by Marco Paolini, but also of poets like Dino Campana, Biagio Marin, Giacomo Noventa, Ernesto Calzavara and Gianni Rodari. The underlying theme of the concert is the theme of water, its irreducibility to a commodity. From Concerto No.32 Song was born the so-called "Spit": a job and colorful, in its way, innovative, in which there is a clear sign of an instinct to do, where "the current climate in the words suggested the music and charm stilistiche.Nell 'summer of 2006 began the work of drafting lyrics and music for the new show with Marco Paolini Mercanti di Liquore: "Les Miserables. I and Margaret Thatcher." Preceded by some date-study held in various music clubs, under the pseudonym of "Karma Kola," the show "Les Miserables "officially debuts Nov. 12, 2006 at the Teatro Goldoni Bagnacavallo This is a tale in the form of a ballad, where monologues, songs and short stories make up the paintings to describe the transformation of Italian society since the 80s. And 'the economy the main topic of the show, the'intreccio of "macro" and "micro", the recipes and disappointments of this past tense that borders on the present. "Les Miserables" is a work in progress by vocation, because it is also a way to think aloud about the influence and without bias, increasingly, the rules (and the absence of rules) market, the way we imagine the future without a project, to live the present, to remove the show memoria.Lo is currently on tour in the most important Italian theaters. Discography
1997 - In vivo veritas
1999 - Never fear
2001 - Geordie (singolo)
2002 - La musica dei poveri
2004 - Sputi (con Marco Paolini )
2006 - Live in Dada
2008 - Miserabili (con Marco Paolini )
MISERABILI o e Margaret Thatcher Testi di Andrea Bajani, Lorenzo Monguzzi, Marco Paolini, Michela Signoricon Marco Paolini e I Mercanti di Liquore
Il titolo solletica di sicuro la curiosità dello spettatore incapace di scoprire un legame, ammesso che ci sia, tra Hugo and the iron former British prime minister. Les Miserables is a story in the form of a ballad with lots of music, interrupted by imaginary dialogues, monologues of Nicholas, the usual "alter ego" of the "album" by Marco Paolini, who speaks of the metamorphosis of our society from the 80s to today. The main topic is the economy, the plot of "macro and micro," usual in the rest Paolini, recipes, the disappointments of this past tense that borders with the present and that falls on it, relentlessly. In this context, we are to live in a relationship at the boundary between the real and the surreal, "Thatcher and the Ayatollah Khomeini, the Welsh miners' strike and the march white-collar of Fiat, the dictatorship of marketing, the imperative of technology at all costs, the reduction of the welfare state and the feverish excitement that takes us all uncritical, when faced with ". The show is a work in progress "by vocation, because it is a way of thinking aloud and without bias, in the manner of Paolini, influence, increasingly, rules and non-market rules, on our way to imagine the future without a project, to live the present by removing any memory of the past. Thatcher, who stars in an imaginary dialogue with Nicholas, becomes a symbol of our society, no longer restricted within national borders. "Lady Thatcher is safe - calls Paolini - that we have become what he wanted? In this case it is really good. Explain how he did. "
"Les Miserables" is a story in the form of a ballad. Monologues, songs and short stories make up the paintings to describe the transformation of Italian society since the 80s. In this regard, "Les Miserables" is also the continuation of the path of the "Album", an autobiography of some collective italiani.E 'the economy the main theme of the ballad, the plot of "macro" and "micro", the recipes and disappointments of this past tense that encroaches on the present. "Les Miserables" is a work in progress by vocation, because it is also a way of thinking aloud about the influence and without bias, increasingly, the rules (and the absence of rules) to market on our way to imagine the future without a project, to live the present, to remove the memoria.Margaret Thatcher is the star of an imaginary dialogue with Nicholas, the protagonist of the album Marco Paolini, is the living symbol of the metamorphosis of our society no longer restricted by boundaries nazionali.La presence of music is very strong, the Merchants Of all the music they composed and performed by vivo.Andrea Bajan, author of books on the job come "Cordiali saluti" e "Mi spezzo ma non m’impiego", ha collaborato alle ricerche e alla stesura dei testi. http://www.jolefilm.com/files/index....=90&id_elm=535 La genialità e bravura di Paolini, si confermano, se non addirittura con un ulteriore salto di qualità.Uno spettacolo con un ritmo che non ti molla mai, ottima musica e parole che, una dopo l'altra, ti raccontano talmente da desiderare di essere là con lui ad abbracciarlo.Una ricarica di grande passione politica e sociale, in questi tempi di rimozione e di rinuncia.Uno spettacolo da non perdere, soprattutto per gli astensionisti.Vi prego, andatelo a vedere (da un blog di una spettatrice)
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