Why can not there be a liberal socialism
Now it's official, the Radical Party and SDI (and presumably the new PSI) team up to form a socialist movement, secular, radical and liberal. Bobo Craxi even speak of liberal socialism.
We call this the mental disorder. Liberalism and Socialism two things are antithetical. Impossible to get together. But amazingly just to keep your feet both ways you try this absurd ideological marriage just to scrape together the more votes from people who do not know.
We went to comb through the literature and found that liberal Ludwig von Mises wrote about liberalism and socialism. Read below ... you'll see some good, pace of clowns in our house.
1. Definitions
liberalism and socialism for the supreme and agree in the past, but differ in the fact that, to achieve the same aims, liberalism, identifies the most suitable property in private means of production, while socialism identifies the collective ownership.
So there is no economic difference between socialism and communism. Both terms, socialism and communism denote the same system of economic organization of society, namely the public control of all means of production , distinct from private control, namely capitalism. The two terms, socialism and communism are synonymous.
The essential difference between the liberal and socialist production is that the first men fend for themselves, while the second is the system that provides them. Socialism wants to give to mangiare, da vivere e da vestirsi all'umanità. Ma gli uomini preferiscono mangiare, vivere vestirsi e cercare la felicità a modo loro.
La questione è di sapere quale dei due sistemi, liberalismo o socialismo, garantisca una più alta produttività degli sforzi umani, per migliorare il tenore di vita della gente.
2. Il valore sociale del Liberalismo
Il liberalismo assegna allo Stato il compito di proteggere la vita, la salute, la libertà e la proprietà dei suoi cittadini contro l'aggressione violenta o fraudolenta.
La politica del liberalismo è la politica del bene comune , la politica del sottomettere gli special interests to the general well-being - a process that requires the individual not the renunciation of one's interests but the perception of the harmony of all individual interests in order to improve the living conditions of all . There are, therefore, individuals or groups whose interests would, ultimately, better protected from socialism than to a society based on private ownership of means of production.
And this multitude rise of the radical social change that is caused by the "liberal industrial revolution." Those masses that dominated in all previous ages of history gave rise to flocks of slaves and servants, poor people and beggars, are Today buying public, whose support is sought by businessmen. They are the customers who have "always right", those who have the power to make poor people rich and rich suppliers poor vendors. In
fabric of the market economy, when it is not sabotaged by the panaceas of governments and politicians, there are no signori "noblemen country that keep the people submissive, do not collect these fees and taxes, and feasting merrily on the shoulders of farmers who have to settle for the crumbs. " The profit-based system makes those men prosper who manage to satisfy, as best as possible and cheaper, people's needs. Wealth can be increased only by serving the consumers. The capitalists lose their capital, not just a lack of investment in those classes that best meet the demands of the public. In a plebiscite repeated every day, in which every penny gives a right to vote, consumers decide who should own and operate factories, shops and farms.
E 'the consumer that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. And the consumer and fixing the remuneration of a movie star or an opera singer at a level higher than that of a welder or an accountant.
Liberalism was opposed to anything that had the character of immutable and guarantees has tried to minimize the number of employees public. Public officials, when corrupt, violate the laws and are fully aware of damage to the collective good. And since gradually get used to violate criminal laws and moral norms, they end up losing entirely the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, between good and evil. If you can not produce or sell goods without violating this or that regulation, you end up thinking that ultimately sin against the law and moral face "unfortunately part of life and miss those" theorists "who want things to go differently .
3. The failure of socialism
The impracticability of Socialism is the consequence di ragioni di ordine intellettuale e non morale. Il socialismo non può raggiungere il suo scopo perché in una società socialista il calcolo economico è impossibile .
Il socialismo non è fallito per resistenze ideologiche, perché anzi l'ideologia dominante è ancora oggi quella socialista. E fallito perché irrealizzabile. Ogni passo che ci allontana dal sistema sociale della proprietà privata dei mezzi di produzione riduce la produttività e quindi provoca miseria e indigenza .
Il socialismo non è quel che pretende di essere. Non è la scelta avanzata di un mondo migliore e più bello, ma il distruttore di quel che migliaia di anni di civiltà hanno creato. Esso, non costruisce; distrugge .
In un paese socialista i gruppi di pressione mirano ad assicurare ai loro membri privilegi a spese dei gruppi e degli individui più deboli. L'esistenza della corruzione è un fenomeno concomitante inevitabile dell'interventismo statale.
La politica socialista fornisce a migliaia e migliaia di individui lavori sicuri, tranquilli, e non troppo faticosi, a spese del resto della società . Ogni nazionalizzazione o creazione di un’ impresa municipale o statale lega interessi privati al movimento contro la proprietà privata. Il socialismo e il distruttivismo odierni trovano i loro più forti sostenitori nei milioni di persone per le quali un ritorno a a freer economy would, in short, in the long run, detrimental to their own particular interests.
4. The Harlequin Italian
To protect the socialist ideal from the devastating effects of this criticism has been made recently, some attempts to improve the common definition of "socialism" .
My definition of socialism as a policy aimed at creating a society in which the means of production are socialized , is in agreement with everything that scientists have written on the subject. He says that historically have to be blind not to notice that over the past one hundred years of socialism ha rappresentato solamente questo, e nient'altro; e che è in questo senso che il grande movimento socialista è stato ed è socialista.
Non è tuttavia il caso di litigare sulla definizione! Se a qualcuno piace chiamare socialista un ideale che conserva la proprietà privata dei mezzi di produzione, libero di farlo! Un uomo è libero di chiamare cane un gatto e sole la luna, se gli fa piacere. Bisogna però dire che il capovolgimento della terminologia abitualmente usata, che tutti capiscono, non porta alcun vantaggio e crea solamente malintesi.
Il socialismo non è la prosecuzione del liberalismo : it is his enemy. It is not allowed to come up with a close connection between liberalism and social democracy for the simple reason that they oppose one and another.
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