Sunday, October 2, 2005

Post Eating Disorder Boobs

Dreams and Realities ... parking under the trees

Il 23 Settembre il Comitato di Piazza Aspromonte ha organizzato una Festa nella Piazza e per i cittadini. Il Consiglio di Zona 3 la ha co-finanziata cercando anche di trarne un ritorno politico (il suo Presidente Viola non ha avuto fatica a salire sul palco per "salutare" i cittadini) con un'incredibile voltafaccia, visto che nel frattempo ha dato parere favorevole ad altri parcheggi sotto gli alberi (piazza Gobetti, via Bazzini, piazza Durante).
This has given rise to an interesting debate in the forum to which the Committee-of course-we have participated, too.
Here are three of the last intervention ... above all to insist that there must be a way of doing politics and the interests of the citizens to really!

Saturday, September 24 at 15:30. Begin to appear the first children, a little 'scared, a little' attracted daicolori the basketball court. Within 10 minutes approaching pagliaccitruccatori. I turn around, after a while 'is already a good knot .... always the truccopiace children. The clowns will end their work with crampialla hand, three hours later. Start the animated fable, dissolve the reservations ... the little ones are still intimidated, the largest follow the leader. I am at the tables, in the meantime get a lot of people, often the friend of a friend, to bring pies, pizzas , soft drinks ... my mom how much stuff as they have "spignattato" to give us a hand! The children play. I turn again eved some beautiful waves of colorful papier-mâché. A show, quantisaranno these children?? All together the following story on the trees. Rotoloni Then begin to draw on. How many ... that beautiful designs, no one can remove them from their mess! I watch children dellapiazza. They are all beautiful, much they want to have fun, and anch'iofinalmente I feel happy in my heart ... I think that the plaza is eto them and they must remain so. Start the snack. An assault! There chilascia something, someone anything. It does not matter. It is not an obligation. E 'giornatadi a party for everyone, even for those not wanting to pull out a centesimo.Comincia music, dancing. We expected the dancers of the "third age ..." but few people hit the dance. In contrast, children scatenanocome crazy! A warning label says the trees of the square, also ibambini follow, I wonder if you remember something .... Then tantagente that comes to us and thanks us, people who cross the street and chefinalmente has the courage to ask, to understand .... The evening begins ilsecondo round. For the appetizer arrived reinforcements. What about ottopizze, finished in two minutes? the pie of the Greek restaurant, ditutto merchants who gave us a hand without asking anything incambio! In the evening a beautiful concert. Even the sound is bad, pensavopeggio! It sounds like a summer evening. Francis brings the coffee in the square, sulvassoio, with service to the party! It 's the finishing touch. I'm really benePenso, maybe we are really fortunati.Per me are the memories of Saturday questi.Non institutional discourses, not the controversy over who is the party, not leaccuse of servility, not spite. For me Saturday was the moment perfesteggiare something unique. Piazza Aspromonte that is what it is, enon becomes a parking lot. Is not that say enough??

2. ADOREO: A news
FRIDAY 'September 30, 2005, AT 18:30, at the headquarters of the Council of Zone 3, via Sansovino, 9E convened unCONSIGLIO ZONE MONOTHEMATIC with agenda: underground car park of Via Benedetto Marcello and the system of SURFACE The Council is open to all citizens. Come along to make your voice heard before decisions are taken wrong, harmful and contrary to the promises made to the habitability of quartiere.COSA They promised us ... The construction of underground car parks in Via Benedetto Marcello was welcomed by residents and the Council of Zone 3 also (and especially) because accompanied by a promise of regeneration of the area, as required by the environmental constraints which it is subjected, who wants to Green with four (or six) rows of trees, twin Via Morgagni .... AND WHAT AVREMO.Ma to work now completed, 19 April 2005, the area roads, parking and signage of the City of Milan calling for a "necessary changes the plot, so that it can make use of the means and the stalls of the hawkers' market twice a week and "feels right" reposition only "two of the four rows of trees planned "and" Changing the flooring Concrete / gravel driveways with paving stone. "

3. Mario Caputi: DREAMS AND REALITY '

reply to message Adoreo Marina.Sarebbe and to the wonderful world described by the Navy, the idyll difamiglie in celebration, and children chase each other, and picnicsull'erba , and outdoor games. It would be what everyone hoped would icittadini respectable. Aperti.Poi a dream come true, however, you awaken with the meetings of the CDZ, cambiamentiin with the process, with the advice single issue, with promises nonmantenute, with "hidden agendas" (Priority hidden), with gliobiettivi business, with factions, with the assaults alladiligenza, with the destruction of Italy. I sincerely regret being here to spend time with all details noicon, counter-explanations, clarifications, counter-puntializzazioni (some call piùsemplicemente much "controversy"). I'm not a polemic, not sonoun "troublemaker of citizens" (words spoken to me personally dalnostro president emeritus Viola). I do not pay anyone for farmivenire liver pain and make him come all voi.Ma'm not a dreamer. I have not sent my cervelloall'ammasso. I do not think you can live any day when romance and alcunsogno know of the existence of the 'homo hominislupus " (= Man, wolf man). There are those among us says not to show the "differences" all'internodel Committee (and to use other addresses) "because questoindirizzo read us all." I do not agree . I hate to hide my dissent
! Mr. Viola, go to host the same party, paying with money inostri, Piazza Gobetti. Show courage. Tell aicittadini Piazza Gobetti because he wants to destroy their trees, and why not strive for a solution alternativa.E tell your colleagues in other CDZ Milan lestesse parties to organize the Bosco di Gioia, a square in Libya, piazzaleAccursio. Go up along with his colleagues on stage in front aicittadini, explain them a sense of your decisions, unpack, fill them with words! But know we know. Dream as Marina and Henry masappiamo. And we speak. And we will give you rest. Why in the face Italy at cheabbiamo occasionally rebels. And you, Mr. Viola, havisto him in person ... while our hearts were in full swing edil his cell phone rang ...
Regards to all.


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