Today I want to pass on only two strong ideas: the miracle and murder. Yes, the supernatural and the human side of a second, two opposites, the civil duel, the devil el'acquasanta.
dall'acquasanta start, by the miracle .
Look la sala… come la immaginavate prima di venire? Più piena? Più vuota? Per me siamo proprio tanti. Mai visti tanti liberali tutti assieme a Milano nei tre anni di lavoro sin qui svolti. Il miracolo è aver riunito qui tanti amici, ma oh’ miracolo vero e proprio è che in questa sala siamo tutti i liberali con la “i” alla fine. Chi è venuto oggi, con un logo destra liberale / liberali per l’italia da un lato e un PLI finalmente senza alleanze improbabili con socialisti e laici di ripiego, ha scelto di tenersi ben salda la “i” e di lasciare ogni connotazione liberal a qualcun altro.
PS. Nella sala accanto ci sarebbero altri liberali (e forse qualche liberal ). Perché non sono qui, potrebbe domandarsi qualcuno? Perché non hanno capito. Non hanno capito il senso del miracolo : i liberali italiani non possono che andare dove c’è una bandierina, il colore giallo e il simbolo storico. Duecento anni di storia non si barattano per qualche seggio sicuro in Parlamento. Un ideale non si cancella con una conferenza stampa assieme al Presidente del Consiglio.
E del resto noi abbiamo la coscienza a posto. Quest’estate, quando i giornali parlavano di Pannella con i socialisti (un libertario radicale ... with the Socialists. Von Mises would turn in his grave, poor) and Dalla Vedova resisted that we decided to contact them to ask them a match. We were never answered.
If we are here in the first instance, the joint initiative of Joseph, Giampaolo, Gabriel, me and Charles. We met and met again, and (especially between me and GP) after the first "VAF ..." initials, as in any self-respecting American comedy, we have decided that in the end we just try to merge and become a single thing. Knowing me, and having learned about the GP and friends of Joseph, are arcisicuro that "VAF ... "Still great. But fear not-Gabriele. Reassured! They are not "VAF ..." serious! These are the typical quarrels between brothers ... we will be together again after two minutes to play.
We all know that in Lombardy again today to the great liberal tradition in history. And what of the miracle we all are creators and present witnesses, actors and spectators and we will work together for the miracle to turn into oh miracle ...
Well, now we go instead to ' murder. Yes, premeditated murder.
The premeditation goes back to before the summer, when we opened our factory program on the site. And the preparation is then distributed to the murder in September, in parallel with groups working on the final programmatic proposal.
These working groups are led by the indefatigable Giangiorgio. Thanks to him we have made great strides and our proposed program is almost ready. But thanks to him we are also sharpening our weapons to the killers.
Why do I program and murder at the same time? Because the program seeks to create a liberal state, you'll soon-and-achieve the truly liberal state is an unlikely, very difficult, which makes you immediately do a lot of enemies.
First we have political opponents, those who speak without saying anything, make a sea of \u200b\u200bblablabla, fill the pages of newspapers, pulling a living, is at the same time in defense and attack, and full-backs striker. The clowns in this country is III & IV, the voltaggabana, the industrial policy.
lestissimi They will criticize our proposals as soon as we will pull out of the sinking in, the judge too theoretical, too futuristic, too naïve, too everything. But then learn them by heart, to fit their reality, to take the good che c’è dentro ogni proposta che si rispetti per poi riproporle come fossero loro e trarne il massimo ritorno per sè stessi.
Noi siamo un popolo la cui scuola ha insegnato a copiare, a barare, a fare i furbi. Sappiamo criticare benissimo, sappiamo affossare gli altri splendidamente, ma abbiamo rinunciato a pensare, a sforzare il nostro cervello a trovare altre strade, ad essere umili al punto di dire: “ ohibò –questa è una bella pensata! Complimenti ”! Il nostro modello sono i dibattiti televisivi. E non c’è bisogno di aggiungere altro.
Ma ci sono altri tipi di nemici, quelli more serious ones in the leg, even where a liberal state would break the eggs in the basket.
Who are they?
Many, too many people, impossible to name them all. But we can at least understand where to be and the reason for their murder ... yes, we can do this by going to retrace the key points of our proposal for a program that has a purpose above all others: restore power in the hands of citizens . And 'This is the strength of the liberal state. And this is very timely message of our liberal return the power in the hands of citizens .
Restituire il potere nelle mani dei cittadini vuol dire separare e controllare veramente i poteri dello Stato e far di tutto affinché il cittadino divenga l’unico artefice della sua fortuna ( faber est suae quisquae fortunae … come al tempo dei romani).
Ed allora, scusandomi per l’ovvia sinteticità elenco di seguito alcune delle proposte più truculente che servono a realizzare il primo Stato Liberale Italiano .
- Per realizzare pienamente the liberal state should be a radical change of the Constitution, Article 1 of which must be based on the principles of liberty, life, work, private property, rule of law and meritocracy. This is enough to render unconstitutional any proposed taxation of income and the BOT and any non-payment of rent.
- The State Liberal Party from a tabula rasa . It will have a completely new state organization, reduced operating costs, improved operational efficiency and abolish the powers of all that mass of bureaucrats and local administrators. And imporrà anche l’abolizione di tutte le leggi esistenti nonché la riscrittura di testi unici con riduzione del numero degli articoli e semplificazione del linguaggio giuridico e delle procedure.
- Lo Stato Liberale non è ne repubblicano né monarchico. Per definire il suo capo, eletto a suffragio universale dai cittadini, siamo tornati indietro all’epoca storica quando l’Italia era il faro del mondo: e per noi si chiamerà Caesar . Il Caesar sceglie i suoi ministri ed assieme fanno le leggi.
- Il Caesar è controllato dai rappresentanti of the people formed a Senatus (maximum 100 people), which approves or rejects the laws, but has no legislative power. In case of conflict between Caesar and Senatus, citizens are called to vote (e) for re-election and / or decide the matter. So, no parties, mediation, backroom deals, secret votes but bugged, turnaround, etc..
- The executive is delegated to the Director General of individual ministries. They are to be (already) paid to practice what is legislated and agreed by Ministers and the Caesar. And their function is controlled by the Minister of competence, through an independent structure. So, no theft, bribery, false or inflated invoices to the shoulders of those who pay.
- The judicial branch is the Judiciary . The people elect the president of the Regional Court, which then chooses its employees and shall hold office for four years. The judiciary is controlled by a sovereign body (CCS), consisting of citizens who are elected every two years. So no politicization of the judiciary, investigations or inquiries faster and slower. The judges will report directly to their operato a chi li ha eletti e li ha scelti. A fronte di giudizi ridicoli, o lenti o falsati tornano a casa, senza più arte né parte.
- Lo Stato Liberale avrà meno Regioni delle attuali e le accorperà per tradizione storico-culturale. Alle Regioni è riservato un potere legislativo limitato ad alcune materie. Non esisteranno più Province, Città metropolitane, ed enti territoriali minori. I Comuni avranno solo poteri amministrativi. Le grandi città potranno accorpare amministrativamente quelle più piccole. Quindi niente più eserciti di occupazione territoriale fatto da amministratori, consiglieri, consulenti, portaborse, uscieri etc.
- The Liberal State is against any form of monopoly and economic concentration and tends to the creation of a true market economy promoting competition and reducing all kinds of barriers or tariffs. The economic policy of the liberal state must promote and defend Italian production in the international competition . So great attention to SMEs, the level of production in Italy and really made the incentives to create value in our country.
- The liberal state is to flexible and complete liberalization of labor market . This requires comprehensive reform of employment in private and public, and the end of the myth of the fixed place. So great freedom to companies to hire and fire according to their needs (economic problems, incompetence, laziness, etc.). And then also great opportunities for the good, the deserving, the flexible, creative people in front of the continuous check of new jobs to a free market now. But unemployment benefits are clear: the liberal state has no objection to the creation of a government agency of the Unemployed. At least is clear and abolish the apology, the work front, annual leave, the two / three jobs under the table.
- The State provides for the Liberal ' abolition of all the books and professional and other protected categories, including those of journalists and judges. It is therefore to ex-post (adequacy, capacity, safety, hygiene, etc), but full freedom to everyone to invest in themselves and in the activity to be pursued.
- The fiscal policy declines with the Liberal State:
- a marked reduction in the tax burden for businesses and individuals,
- the 'abolition of the withholding agent and all debits,
- the fight against tax evasion by the deductibility of costs incurred in the production of their income
- the obligation of balanced budget of regions and public entities, through alignment of public expenditure to revenue,
- The state wants the Liberal liberalization individual path of study, the meritocracy rewards and recognizes the quality of education through the selection of faculty and adaptation of the reward system.
- The State shall abolish the Liberal university competitions to allow free choice of teachers from the various universities and requires self-funding of universities and the most freedom of choice of international alliances.
- Defence personnel and assets is a fundamental right of citizens of the liberal state that is committed to extending the principle of self-defense to specific case (burglary and / or commercial activities, rapes , vandalism, etc) and defends the certainty of punishment defining the unacceptable reduction of permits, or amnesties and pardons.
- The State Liberal believes in the role of the Armed Forces and therefore is a continuous recruitment and training at the highest level as a continuous modernization and investment in armaments.
- Liberal State pays great attention to economic development and industrial compatible with the eco-system . The parameters of healthy food provided by the liberal state must also be applied to imported products.
- The liberal state requires logic of beauty in the and cities and wants to safeguard the harmony (shape, color, structure) in the construction and maintenance of buildings and gardens and parks.
- The liberal state is a country where it is guaranteed press freedom and freedom of expression as long as this does not violate citizens' privacy and confidentiality of criminal investigations.
- The liberal state has a duty to focus attention on the health of citizens and plans to organize and manage directly centers of excellence for the treatment and research , distributed in proportion to the inhabitants, on the whole national territory.
I will stop here.
The advent of the liberal state frees Italian citizens from the shackles and the brakes where he lived so far. It 'obvious that this can not happen without pain and that's why-maybe-take blood and tears.
But we have before us the disorder el'inciviltà achieved by our company in an increasingly vicious vicious and ever faster. Looking at my daughter's eyes I can not sit still waiting for Godot. I have long since decided to roll up their sleeves to take risks knowing murder. But the liberal state and Italy that want to leave a legacy to my baby.
Thank you all!
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