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From The mystery inquisitor Eymerich; Valerio Evangelisti
Although out of the tent shine the sun, Eymerich had the impression that it was a night fell suddenly, and nightmarish creatures, from a distant past, we were gathering beyond those fragile walls of cloth. Beginning to be exhausted. He sighed. He returned to sit on the mattress, then stared sull'eretico an ardent gaze, but sheer fatigue:
"I I will say what I am convinced - he said - I think, with Albert the Great, which belongs to the sphere of carnal lust animal and human degradation. Creed, Thomas Aquinas, that what is pure and closer to God, and that the spirit is pure and the infected meat. I think the reason, in harmony with the faith, the turpitude must be rigorously adhered to dominate the body because the latter are not subject to the law of God, as Paul said. I believe that the intellectual soul is immortal and the only substantial form of man. I consider your opinion, blasphemous, but with the theological confusion that currently reigns in the Church can not judge them heretical. Only when the thought of Aquinas will be the only one I can condemn accepted lightly. That day, do not happen to see in his hands. "
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Evans's characters through time: they are inspired by dreams, desires and fears of today and tomorrow, fantasies that try to dominate rationality to bend sometimes the inhumanity. Famous for its Eymerich Nicolas, merciless inquisitor of 1300, a fascinating and tormented character, Evans was able to tell the story of several disturbing and adventurers like Pantera or Eddy Florio, placing them in historical situations, but far from the usual visions.
Dall'epopea rail and mining companies in the U.S. 800 to the history of Italian-American mafia in the thirties and finally to the formation of the national state in Mexico, the writer prefers a Bolognese trenching in memory in order to unearth the roots of the struggles that have built our present. Heroes of adventure, romance or ruthless anarchist through which evangelists composed writings of great historical value in the criticism of power.
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Bel minicd / demo debut of Lucca this Aghast Insane , an intro and 5 songs for a total of nearly 18 minutes revealing a group with enthusiasm, determination and consistency, as all groups undergound that respect, but also full of character and of technical skill and compositional definitely above average, but that unfortunately tend to inaction, especially in the early tests. The genus is proposed quell'heavy-thrash typical American who has made the fortune of many groups from overseas, primarily, of course, Megadeth, and songs with violent outbursts and sudden acceleration but still have some control of everything, so to speak, and a particularly attentive eye to the melodies and attention to detail. The initial triptych is emblematic in this sense, and relatively short shot with songs ("Alone") or slightly more intricate (Cherudek ") but quite effective and personal (especially beautiful and the beginning of the homonymous" Aghast Insane "). The remaining two pieces of work, lasting almost as much as those who preceded them, are the most lot of long and ultimately put to the test group than that though, you'll see, turns out to be mature enough not to get totally intimidated and continues on his way, grinding riff to riff without ever falling into too obvious and so banal. pretty good production, with incisive and well balanced sound (although for my taste something was revised slightly for the battery), good test Riccardo Bernardini, especially on medium-low tones, precisa ed inarrestabile la sezione ritmica, affiatatissime e ipertaglienti le due chitarre. Potenza, "tiro", melodia, capacità, personalità, che altro volete? Aghast Insane, segnatevi il nome.
Vincenzo Buccafusca da http://www.heavy-metal.it/recensioni/demo_templ.php?id=148

Giorgio Faletti: ''Uno in diviso'' di Alcìde Pierantozzi è un romanzo straordinario (06 giugno 2007)
“Mi piacciono tutti i romanzi di Lucarelli” says, "but if I have to point out two treats, two authors to watch, then I must point Alcide Pierantozzi of Piero and Antonio. The first "continue," he wrote in A divided: a novel unique, raw and violent than those that are my passion ... interview with Giorgio Faletti, edited by antonio carnival Panorama.it
The talent is scary. The restless talent, yet, even in a time impassive as ours. Especially when young, and presents us with unprecedented fury. The fury of symbolic, sexual, philosophical, murderer of this book, this poignant novel, at once hellish and heavenly stesso.Taiwo and Kehinde are Siamese twins. Their body has two busts and one pair of legs in the shape of a wye, like the tongue of a snake, but working as attendants behind the counter of a local sexual encounters few know their nature, the truth of their flesh. It is only the first of a series of images of lightning, a series of alternating bright and dark pages obsession, torture, Dante's circle, philosophy, blood, horror suggestions, references, Pasolini, and other heinous passages full of grace, a pure, almost childlike . One exchange: I, Italy, two twins with the epsilon-shaped body, the Church, abortion, civil unions, murder, terror an intellectual and physical exploitation, the fear of a rift. A novel that is an omen, a premonition fulminans. A story that describes the collapse of the dichotomies of contemporary and reminiscent of Pasolini's last film. An earthquake that moves all consciousness. The author has two decades. Until now nobody had dared so much.
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A book on the painful and liberating feelings and sex, a confession with the appearances of a game, a cruelty so easy to have its apparent illusory innocence, day after day, for six weeks in this daily journal daily with his murder. Many stories of love, and intimate encounters that seem to be impossible. Crimes copies all of these Antonio Veneziani , like those of Aub Mac, but that the moment of liberating gesture, usually sudden, they also find his sentence. It kills the other to reveal their emotional impotence. Love is not yourself in the mirror that, as Socrates understood, impossible attempt to overcome their incompleteness, to find a finite non-existent. The need for beauty. ''It was the wind suddenly got up to let me see the bill-hook in the leaves. There spiavamo forty-nine years. Both are ready to hit (....) Saliva bitter, I knew that I could no longer jump of hope.'' In these short, often very short story is all the precariousness of our humanity, our transience existential loneliness and despair, we strive to forget in the search, the aspiration to the absolute. An absolute which is love, but you can catch in one hand, a cat that passes, a first light in the sky, the fading night. And, for the Venetians, too, we dare, waiting for Jewish a messiah, the heritage of the victims. And how proud and condemns homosexuality, as centrality and marginality:''I am confident that I'm God, that's why through this constantly apologizing.'' The truth is that these pages will show us that if you do not believe in your, love, how can you believe what the other? I'm just desperate needs, love at any cost, to point out that it was always alone. Who spreads these pages appears to be disappointed by a pure world, a mild fantastic, as is the rule of the literature, a poet who reveals. Each page of a diary every day, a meeting and a gesture, a meeting of love and a gesture usually sudden and so esemplare e terribile da essere spesso sottinteso, non descritto. Come una poesia in cui salta un verso, ma si avverte lo spazio, la cesura. Una bolla di rabbia che trova un suo sfogo, una serena ripetitività, una violenza che è solo il riverbero di quella che si subisce in questo sporco mondo. ''Metto musica di Louis Armstrongo di Tom Waits? Di Lou Reed o dei KlezRoym? Non importa: basta siano canzoni d'amore, anche se mi spingeranno alle lacrime e mi asciugheranno la saliva''.
Paolo Petroni
Ci sono artisti che frequentano l’immobilità, così come ci sono ricercatori che tentano continuamente il divenire. Un esempio di immobilità, tanto per fare un esempio eclatante, is that of Giorgio Morandi. We are confident, in fact, that the period between "metaphysical" and the bottles, there is so much difference? We would like to strongly doubt on the discontinuity of this great painter. Antonio Veneziani certainly belongs to the "party of Heraclitus", in other words, is an author who is left happily groped by writing and by the desire to continually renew the writing itself. Beyond this, there is a red line that marks the poet's entire creative adventure? We believe that we can respond positively to such a request. In fact, the writing of Antonio Veneziani has always immersed to the neck in meat and existence. Hence the overt strangeness Vespasiani author and chronicler of loneliness against Giorgio Manganelli. The author of the definitive marsh hunts for a reader who knows that nothing will be said as the literature is constituted as an abstract space that does not involve either a message or a communication. Venetians, on the contrary, wants to communicate, communicate what? Exactly the meat, only meat, but now the meat of Vespasiani is very different from that of the reporter alone (HACC publisher, 105 pages, € 10.00), the last effort of the poet. Vespasiani is infused with an intense lyricism, just think of "Peeling / the moon on the fingers / the tramp pulled down the boy / girl, humidity of the moat, "to understand how, in this case, writing, in fact, can not part dall'effusione opera. In the latter work is certainly open lyrical moments, but these are not the soul of the reporter, in short, what is the great value of this book? We are faced to forty-nine short stories that see the Venetians to make a happy synthesis of the existence, captured in all its contradictions, and a kind of surreal. This is a black book? Sure you tell of the murders, murders that no one knows whether completed or merely imagined. The universe is then those marked by Giancarlo De Cataldo's called the "angelic prostitute" because, I repeat, the meat is urgent and can not be silenced. The surreality, a surreality to the Venetians, is given by an immersion in the fantasy that makes us realize that our whole being, for the poet, is ambiguous and a source of a polysemic approach. On the other hand could only be so because it is an atheist philosopher Anthony Venetians, and then escapes from the comfortable certainties of the absolute truth. So the ultimate root of the summary made by the Reporter of loneliness is heresy that is at the heart of Venice: the heresy that sees the jew reject the God of the fathers and homosexuality reject the Great Wall of alleged "normalcy." "Wanderer, erotic, heretic," he said Osvaldo Licini; absolutely perfect setting for Antonio Veneziani.
Robertomaria Siena
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