But what good is the mother of the jota? First fruits of the poisoned
learn from the press that the mother of the Regional Federica Seganti jota excellent cuisine, even "some of the finest Jote Trieste. What at first glance may seem a statement of lightness, is instead a statement very challenging, because it presupposes value judgments expressed in absolute terms. How many Jote tasted Federica Seganti to grant the status of excellence alla zuppa della mamma? Dovrebbero essere migliaia, almeno centinaia. Se così non fosse la sua sarebbe un’affermazione che lascia il tempo che trova e ci indurrebbe a pensare che la jota di sua mamma non sia per niente eccezionale. Mostratemi la figlia (o figlio) degenere che non parla bene della cucina materna.
Se invece il metro di valutazione per la jota della mamma è analogo a quello utilizzato per stilare il bilancio positivo del proprio operato da assessore a pianificazione territoriale, autonomie locali e sicurezza, relazioni internazionali e comunitarie, allora saremmo indotti a ritenere che la jota della mamma non dev’essere poi così buona…
L’assessore Seganti si promuove, citando a mo’ di risultati obtained the building code, the rifoma local police, to put the (sic) of the mountain communities and the reorganization of the Community. You forgot to clarify that the reform of local police was a result achieved by the regional council that has made a synthesis of different designs and bills already filed, that the mere deletion of an entity is not the achievement of a result and we still anxiously waiting to discuss the alternatives and the most frequently stated the text of the reform of local governments. Not a word about the total failure of security policies, not even the glimmer of a self-critical reflection on the myriad of mediumistic utterances remained suspended in space. In short, a two years of talk and very modest results. Among
a bit 'the delegation will Seganti certainly more "tough", such as business, with the multitude of emergencies related to them. Expect to be compared in this respect. The Northern League also won in FVG the opportunity to demonstrate its value, such as on the front of the block of relocation. In September we will need stamina and energy sources. We recommend a "drip de jota" (the mother).
Trieste, 07.07.2010
Igor Kocijančič
PRC Regional Director - SE
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