Friday, February 4, 2011

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Regione FVG IAL finance training courses for workers of FIAT Cars Serbia in Kragujevac?

questions for written answer

RE: Is it true that the Region FVG IAL finance training courses for workers of FIAT Cars Serbia in Kragujevac? -

the undersigned Regional Council

Given that, unfortunately, have recently risen to the headlines of various assumptions of embezzlement and misuse of huge financial resources allocated by the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia to some organizations and associations, currently under examination by the court;
found that under that reported in the union distributed a leaflet dall'Alpis - we learn that Zujst FVG Friuli Venezia Giulia, which has decided not to raise the resources necessary to close the agreement sul Comparto Unico come auspicato dalla maggior parte delle OO.SS. - avrebbe stanziato un importo superiore ad un milione di euro per corsi di formazione che lo IAL dovrebbe organizzare in Serbia, nella fattispecie nella città di Kragujevac, per i lavoratori dell’ex Zastava, attualmente FIAT Auto Serbia;
Dato atto che in base a quanto comunicato recentemente ai mezzi di comunicazione dallo Samostalni Sindikat di Kragujevac affiliato alla JSO (Jedinstvena Sindikalna Organizacija) - maggior sindacato presente all’interno dello stabilimento già Zastava ed attualmente FIAT Auto Serbia – La FIAT Auto Serbia che si era impegnata con il governo serbo ad occupare entro il 2012 ben 2500 dipendenti (al 31.12.2010 i dipendenti di FIAT Auto Serbia were 1120, 1592 those of state-owned Zastava Auto) has so far absorbed a fraction of the 1,592 employees of Zastava Auto ritrovatisi mobility in the January 5, 2011, when the Serbian government decided to close Zastava Auto;
noted that of 1592 only 53 workers in question were made by FIAT Cars Serbia, 60 were employed in productive activities of residual Zastava AD, 10 workers will resort to early retirement, and are well over 1349 workers who bear the total uncertainty about their future location ;
Noting that for all workers in 1349 indicated (except in cases of disability and proximity to retirement, estimated at several tens units) is expected to come in and use of mobility and few benefits and few of the few measures to reduce social features available in Serbia (monthly allowance of 200 disoccupazionevicine euromensili the next two years and then nothing);
finally noted that Fiat is not implementing any of the public commitments and recently "advertised" in Italy (euro 940 million of investment and transformation of the plant in Kragujevac in the biggest center of automotive throughout Eastern Europe and the Balkans - 30,000 jobs guaranteed between FIAT and induced);
Given the obvious and enormous "savings" of resources finora ottenuto da FIAT, che ha utilizzato solo i finanziamenti pubblici messi a disposizione del governo serbo e, sembra, si stia accingendo all’utilizzo dei fondi della Regione FVG per non meglio specificati corsi di formazione, a fronte dei più di 900 lavoratori già formati ed esperti che non sembra intenzionata ad assorbire;

Tutto ciò premesso
Il sottoscritto consigliere regionale interroga il Presidente per sapere

1. Corrisponde al vero quanto riportato nel volantino sindacale diffuso dall’Alpis – Zujst FVG su stanziamenti superiori ad un milione di euro per corsi di formazione previsti nella città di Kragujevac, per i lavoratori dell’ex Zastava, attualmente FIAT Auto Serbia?
2. Is it true that you IAL FVG, institute next to a major trade union to organize such training courses?
3. Does the President Tondo against public commitments and above all rejected dell'inqualificabile conduct hitherto held by FIAT especially towards the Serbian workers, is wholly inappropriate for a public institution, in this case, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, with finance own resources such training?

Trieste, February 3, 2011
Igor Kocijančič


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