Saturday, December 3, 2005

Yeast Infection On Tonsils

Salmon and tanks and Liberal

Il Fatto: L’assemblea nazionale dei Riformatori Liberali e la loro perfetta esposizione mediatica.

E’ l’occasione per presentarsi agli elettori della Cdl - afferma Benedetto Della Vedova - e per discutere con i nostri futuri alleati il prossimo programma di governo al quale vogliamo dare il nostro contributo .
Le nostre proposte - interviene Marco Taradash - tenderanno ad un programma che preveda liberalizzazioni e deregolamentazioni. L’Europa ci opprime già troppo con i suoi limiti, non c’è bisogno that our commitment to be active in creating new .
And in the end signed the press release: Barbara Alessandrini, comments: " a grid that liberal, secular, liberal proposal by liberal reformers, at least at the start, also has a very clear and concrete program . (Image placeholder)
comments from friends:
1) Galgano Palaferri
I read the statements shocked "delusional" Della Vedova on the sidelines of the Conference of Rome c. "Salmon", that the liberal reformers would be "the engine of the Liberal Degree" why "now is an extraordinary day, one can say that the salmon have started to travel upstream. There are many people who want to vote and be represented by CdL secular liberals and libertarians. We want to talk to them. "
Well, what about those people, secular, liberal and libertarian has been for years, I would say that back in 1994 where he was born the Polo over the years become CDL feel represented by the Right Hon Liberal . G: Splinter and M. Caputi and PLI 's On S. DE LUCA, R. HIGHEST now finally reunited under one banner, that of PLI Einaudi in which we are heirs and interpreters.
2) Piero Guerisoli Dear

I fully agree that the "salmon" are the latest arrivals, as a party, even if we know who are not novices. Months ago, at the time of announcement by Della Vedova, of his intention to get out of radical, for the first signs of the accession of his party membership, I contacted him to arrange a meeting at which they should participate in the Liberal Italy. Initially, the Widow

proved to be very concerned. In those early contacts did not follow anything. I tried to contact them, with no success and Mario Caputi, it is informed.

said that, although the media presence of the liberal reformers, as opposed to a news blackout on the Liberals for Italy and PLI, we bother, I do not think a move of production, especially in terms of image, point out to the four winds, and in any event because we Liberals are divided (because one must recognize that they too are the Liberals, and to hear their intentions, even real ones). I think it's more interesting and productive to go our way, continuing to do the things we believe in, not excluding that in the future, including salmon (why not? ... Who can say it) become part of a federation or confederation or polo or whatever you call, the Liberals.

Meanwhile let us not reassure the enemy, which is not really Della Vedova & C., the fact that the Liberals will continue to be divided and quarrelsome. The fact that spare tire or engine then does not bother me more ' much, even the wheels, are crucial at times

Best wishes, Peter V.
(image placeholder)
Our comment.
most delicious salmon I have only those in Canada or Norway migrate upstream. But they are becoming increasingly rare on our tables. The salmon we eat every day in fact come from farms. They stand for life in the tanks and are fed by the farmers with food to fatten them and place them weigh more. These have a nice salmon pink flesh, are fleshy and succulent, they are found everywhere. I just do not have taste, are all equal, are very "grassolenti" ed alquanto difficili da digerirsi.
Noi preferiamo i salmoni che si industriano a risalire la corrente. Senza dubbio. Tutti gli altri li lasciamo a sguazzare nelle loro vasche, pronti ad essere presi all’amo per finire sulla tavola imbandita di chi li paga.


Sunday, November 13, 2005

27 Weeks Pregnant Mucus Discharge

Liberals ... yet?

Il nostro forum nelle ultime settimane è stato oggetto di interessantissimi dibattiti sui liberali e sul futuro delle coalizione e dei partiti (Liberali insieme --->> , un nuovo PLI e rapidamente --->> , Liberali e Liberal --->> , Liberali per la Spezia --->> ). Abbiamo pubblicato un dossier approfondito che cercasse to summarize the various positions (Liberals and liberals, between the present and the future --->> ). Today we receive the contribution of his Bepi that we publish in full, together with our comments. Next, the debate continues. (Read --->> )

(Bepi Lamedica and comment on Mario Caputi)

Monday, October 31, 2005

Will Strep Throat Show Up In A Urine Culture

Miracle and murder

Today I want to pass on only two strong ideas: the miracle and murder. Yes, the supernatural and the human side of a second, two opposites, the civil duel, the devil el'acquasanta.
dall'acquasanta start, by the miracle .
Look la sala… come la immaginavate prima di venire? Più piena? Più vuota? Per me siamo proprio tanti. Mai visti tanti liberali tutti assieme a Milano nei tre anni di lavoro sin qui svolti. Il miracolo è aver riunito qui tanti amici, ma oh’ miracolo vero e proprio è che in questa sala siamo tutti i liberali con la “i” alla fine. Chi è venuto oggi, con un logo destra liberale / liberali per l’italia da un lato e un PLI finalmente senza alleanze improbabili con socialisti e laici di ripiego, ha scelto di tenersi ben salda la “i” e di lasciare ogni connotazione liberal a qualcun altro.
PS. Nella sala accanto ci sarebbero altri liberali (e forse qualche liberal ). Perché non sono qui, potrebbe domandarsi qualcuno? Perché non hanno capito. Non hanno capito il senso del miracolo : i liberali italiani non possono che andare dove c’è una bandierina, il colore giallo e il simbolo storico. Duecento anni di storia non si barattano per qualche seggio sicuro in Parlamento. Un ideale non si cancella con una conferenza stampa assieme al Presidente del Consiglio.
E del resto noi abbiamo la coscienza a posto. Quest’estate, quando i giornali parlavano di Pannella con i socialisti (un libertario radicale ... with the Socialists. Von Mises would turn in his grave, poor) and Dalla Vedova resisted that we decided to contact them to ask them a match. We were never answered.

If we are here in the first instance, the joint initiative of Joseph, Giampaolo, Gabriel, me and Charles. We met and met again, and (especially between me and GP) after the first "VAF ..." initials, as in any self-respecting American comedy, we have decided that in the end we just try to merge and become a single thing. Knowing me, and having learned about the GP and friends of Joseph, are arcisicuro that "VAF ... "Still great. But fear not-Gabriele. Reassured! They are not "VAF ..." serious! These are the typical quarrels between brothers ... we will be together again after two minutes to play.
We all know that in Lombardy again today to the great liberal tradition in history. And what of the miracle we all are creators and present witnesses, actors and spectators and we will work together for the miracle to turn into oh miracle ...

Well, now we go instead to ' murder. Yes, premeditated murder.
The premeditation goes back to before the summer, when we opened our factory program on the site. And the preparation is then distributed to the murder in September, in parallel with groups working on the final programmatic proposal.
These working groups are led by the indefatigable Giangiorgio. Thanks to him we have made great strides and our proposed program is almost ready. But thanks to him we are also sharpening our weapons to the killers.

Why do I program and murder at the same time? Because the program seeks to create a liberal state, you'll soon-and-achieve the truly liberal state is an unlikely, very difficult, which makes you immediately do a lot of enemies.

First we have political opponents, those who speak without saying anything, make a sea of \u200b\u200bblablabla, fill the pages of newspapers, pulling a living, is at the same time in defense and attack, and full-backs striker. The clowns in this country is III & IV, the voltaggabana, the industrial policy.
lestissimi They will criticize our proposals as soon as we will pull out of the sinking in, the judge too theoretical, too futuristic, too naïve, too everything. But then learn them by heart, to fit their reality, to take the good che c’è dentro ogni proposta che si rispetti per poi riproporle come fossero loro e trarne il massimo ritorno per sè stessi.
Noi siamo un popolo la cui scuola ha insegnato a copiare, a barare, a fare i furbi. Sappiamo criticare benissimo, sappiamo affossare gli altri splendidamente, ma abbiamo rinunciato a pensare, a sforzare il nostro cervello a trovare altre strade, ad essere umili al punto di dire: “ ohibò –questa è una bella pensata! Complimenti ”! Il nostro modello sono i dibattiti televisivi. E non c’è bisogno di aggiungere altro.

Ma ci sono altri tipi di nemici, quelli more serious ones in the leg, even where a liberal state would break the eggs in the basket.
Who are they?

Many, too many people, impossible to name them all. But we can at least understand where to be and the reason for their murder ... yes, we can do this by going to retrace the key points of our proposal for a program that has a purpose above all others: restore power in the hands of citizens . And 'This is the strength of the liberal state. And this is very timely message of our liberal return the power in the hands of citizens .

Restituire il potere nelle mani dei cittadini vuol dire separare e controllare veramente i poteri dello Stato e far di tutto affinché il cittadino divenga l’unico artefice della sua fortuna ( faber est suae quisquae fortunae … come al tempo dei romani).

Ed allora, scusandomi per l’ovvia sinteticità elenco di seguito alcune delle proposte più truculente che servono a realizzare il primo Stato Liberale Italiano .
  1. Per realizzare pienamente the liberal state should be a radical change of the Constitution, Article 1 of which must be based on the principles of liberty, life, work, private property, rule of law and meritocracy. This is enough to render unconstitutional any proposed taxation of income and the BOT and any non-payment of rent.

  2. The State Liberal Party from a tabula rasa . It will have a completely new state organization, reduced operating costs, improved operational efficiency and abolish the powers of all that mass of bureaucrats and local administrators. And imporrà anche l’abolizione di tutte le leggi esistenti nonché la riscrittura di testi unici con riduzione del numero degli articoli e semplificazione del linguaggio giuridico e delle procedure.

  3. Lo Stato Liberale non è ne repubblicano né monarchico. Per definire il suo capo, eletto a suffragio universale dai cittadini, siamo tornati indietro all’epoca storica quando l’Italia era il faro del mondo: e per noi si chiamerà Caesar . Il Caesar sceglie i suoi ministri ed assieme fanno le leggi.

  4. Il Caesar è controllato dai rappresentanti of the people formed a Senatus (maximum 100 people), which approves or rejects the laws, but has no legislative power. In case of conflict between Caesar and Senatus, citizens are called to vote (e) for re-election and / or decide the matter. So, no parties, mediation, backroom deals, secret votes but bugged, turnaround, etc..

  5. The executive is delegated to the Director General of individual ministries. They are to be (already) paid to practice what is legislated and agreed by Ministers and the Caesar. And their function is controlled by the Minister of competence, through an independent structure. So, no theft, bribery, false or inflated invoices to the shoulders of those who pay.

  6. The judicial branch is the Judiciary . The people elect the president of the Regional Court, which then chooses its employees and shall hold office for four years. The judiciary is controlled by a sovereign body (CCS), consisting of citizens who are elected every two years. So no politicization of the judiciary, investigations or inquiries faster and slower. The judges will report directly to their operato a chi li ha eletti e li ha scelti. A fronte di giudizi ridicoli, o lenti o falsati tornano a casa, senza più arte né parte.

  7. Lo Stato Liberale avrà meno Regioni delle attuali e le accorperà per tradizione storico-culturale. Alle Regioni è riservato un potere legislativo limitato ad alcune materie. Non esisteranno più Province, Città metropolitane, ed enti territoriali minori. I Comuni avranno solo poteri amministrativi. Le grandi città potranno accorpare amministrativamente quelle più piccole. Quindi niente più eserciti di occupazione territoriale fatto da amministratori, consiglieri, consulenti, portaborse, uscieri etc.

  8. The Liberal State is against any form of monopoly and economic concentration and tends to the creation of a true market economy promoting competition and reducing all kinds of barriers or tariffs. The economic policy of the liberal state must promote and defend Italian production in the international competition . So great attention to SMEs, the level of production in Italy and really made the incentives to create value in our country.

  9. The liberal state is to flexible and complete liberalization of labor market . This requires comprehensive reform of employment in private and public, and the end of the myth of the fixed place. So great freedom to companies to hire and fire according to their needs (economic problems, incompetence, laziness, etc.). And then also great opportunities for the good, the deserving, the flexible, creative people in front of the continuous check of new jobs to a free market now. But unemployment benefits are clear: the liberal state has no objection to the creation of a government agency of the Unemployed. At least is clear and abolish the apology, the work front, annual leave, the two / three jobs under the table.

  10. The State provides for the Liberal ' abolition of all the books and professional and other protected categories, including those of journalists and judges. It is therefore to ex-post (adequacy, capacity, safety, hygiene, etc), but full freedom to everyone to invest in themselves and in the activity to be pursued.

  11. The fiscal policy declines with the Liberal State:
  • a marked reduction in the tax burden for businesses and individuals,

  • the 'abolition of the withholding agent and all debits,

  • the fight against tax evasion by the deductibility of costs incurred in the production of their income

  • the obligation of balanced budget of regions and public entities, through alignment of public expenditure to revenue,
  1. The state wants the Liberal liberalization individual path of study, the meritocracy rewards and recognizes the quality of education through the selection of faculty and adaptation of the reward system.

  2. The State shall abolish the Liberal university competitions to allow free choice of teachers from the various universities and requires self-funding of universities and the most freedom of choice of international alliances.

  3. Defence personnel and assets is a fundamental right of citizens of the liberal state that is committed to extending the principle of self-defense to specific case (burglary and / or commercial activities, rapes , vandalism, etc) and defends the certainty of punishment defining the unacceptable reduction of permits, or amnesties and pardons.

  4. The State Liberal believes in the role of the Armed Forces and therefore is a continuous recruitment and training at the highest level as a continuous modernization and investment in armaments.

  5. Liberal State pays great attention to economic development and industrial compatible with the eco-system . The parameters of healthy food provided by the liberal state must also be applied to imported products.

  6. The liberal state requires logic of beauty in the and cities and wants to safeguard the harmony (shape, color, structure) in the construction and maintenance of buildings and gardens and parks.

  7. The liberal state is a country where it is guaranteed press freedom and freedom of expression as long as this does not violate citizens' privacy and confidentiality of criminal investigations.

  8. The liberal state has a duty to focus attention on the health of citizens and plans to organize and manage directly centers of excellence for the treatment and research , distributed in proportion to the inhabitants, on the whole national territory.

I will stop here.
The advent of the liberal state frees Italian citizens from the shackles and the brakes where he lived so far. It 'obvious that this can not happen without pain and that's why-maybe-take blood and tears.
But we have before us the disorder el'inciviltà achieved by our company in an increasingly vicious vicious and ever faster. Looking at my daughter's eyes I can not sit still waiting for Godot. I have long since decided to roll up their sleeves to take risks knowing murder. But the liberal state and Italy that want to leave a legacy to my baby.
Thank you all!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Where Does Myamme Get Her Hair From

Equality and Freedom ... but we face the pleasure

He 's back on TV thanks to Santoro supermolleggiato Permaflex. And off media criticism and praise from the media right from left. And down curses, insults, rave, honorary degrees.

At some point in his speech, Santoro says, equality alive, long live freedom.

Apart from the misuse of copyright of the French Revolution, no one among the many comments on his return to television, said the sentence. And instead we

we noticed the comment below but above all we would like to report them to a neurologist as a clear symptom of mental disorder.

Mr Santoro, we do not want to judge his past, his broadcasts, his invective and his polemics. We just want to say that you are wrong to link equality and freedom. The two concepts,-sorry about the rote learning-are antithetical.

O is for equality or freedom. Either we shall endeavor to file any difference, reduce any gap, or shorten any working distance to allow the most talented to run more, the better to have more evidence of their quality, to see the different recognition of their diversity. Speaking of equality and freedom is a contradiction. It 'an insult to the logic of people who think. It 's a negative symptom of the dominant culture and political correctness she radiates to the TV (and therefore paying with our money).

A company that makes its dominant philosophy of freedom will seek to offer its citizens an equal opportunity to start (and therefore equal opportunities) but then the merit award, differences, diversity inherent in the human.

And what will apparently be his company, Mr. Santoro? How can reward equality and freedom? What will be worth more? What will the premium on social choices?

But let us pleasure. Please. The next time those who want to attack well, but never mind philosophy. It is not his forte.

Friday, October 14, 2005

What To Say On Certificates

A miracle in Milan: the Liberals united

The Miracle of Milan is about to come true: all the liberals with the "i" final meet for friendly discussion on how to change Italy. Why
the miracle?

Because on the one hand, the PL with the Deluca's renunciation of unlikely alliances with socialist and republican (It was one of our conditions disregarded Congress to read the article published in December ... then --->>). And on the other we
DL / LPI we step back and join our group (and our political virginity) with historic name, but rather with a history of the logos of Italian political life ... with the party that until the beginning of eighties was the symbol of Italian decent people.

inflation of the term "liberal" in Italy has reached frantic levels. All profess to be liberals. Steps for the Left Liberal Zanone & Co .... They probably have it right some more. But when we hear the term "liberal" in the mouth of Socialists (Bobo Craxi), the Christian Democrats (Casini, who even speaks of the liberal right), Fassino, Sgarbi (sic) Berlusconi (but what the Liberal Party of mass, Mr. President!), well then we are the goose bumps and we get angry.

And we just want to ask all of them: "please tell us something liberal?" What is your ideal of liberalism? What have you done so far in the majority (Craxi), as President of the House (casino), opposition (Fassino), the Maurizio Costanzo Show (Sgarbi), the government (Berlusconi) to reduce the burden of bureaucracy, to reduce the weight and 'intrusiveness of the state, to return il potere ai cittadini, per aumentare la meritocrazia e la concorrenza in Italia?

A queste domande la nostra risposta è un foglio bianco, penosamente bianco, con sopra scritta una sola parola: “bufale”.

Si. Sinora tutti coloro che si sono professati liberali hanno utilizzato questo nome glorioso come un mero termine di marketing. Forse nessuno sa esattamente cosa voglia dire essere liberali. Ma il termine è trendy, fa tendenza, è chic! E giù allora con definizioni creative quali socialismo liberale, sinistra liberale, riformatori liberali, etc etc.
Se il trend è lì… allora via! Come tante mosche al miele!

Bene, se miracolo deve essere, allora sia! On October 22 in Milan at the Palazzo delle Stelline many liberals come together to present their program of liberal democracy. We tell you what it means to be liberal today. No slogans, no embezzlement, without fear of surveys and market shares. We say boldly that want true liberalism in Italy mean to make a real revolution. Where can I go to undermine all the potentates made to achieve a simple goal: to replace the Italian citizen, really, at the center of the management of its res publica.

Everything else, all other definitions which we will hear in this campaign infinite permettetemelo are just a mere marketing gimmick ... and nothing else.

Friday, October 7, 2005

Bearded Dragons Platforms

Made in Italy we have dedicated a section to the "made in Italy " and wrote an article two years ago that without false modesty was prophetic ... Fiat is coming back to make cars worth of style and Italian flair.

And now, two years later, our outgoing President Ciampi is a public invitation to buy Italian.

There is complete agreement. It 's true that liberalism preaches free trade, freedom of the market, perfect competition, consumer choice-voters (von Mises). But it is also true that liberals are not stupid. We know that the most liberal state in the world (the U.S.) are diventati quel che sono con una politica protezionistica a difesa della loro industria. Gli USA hanno sempre imposto dazi per i loro settori industriali malati. Hanno sempre bloccato importazioni pericolose per la loro economia e la loro industria introducendo una legislazione "ad personam". Ed ora sono per la globalizzazione... visto che le loro aziende e i loro capitali ormai possono comprare tutto quel che vogliono.

Questo non è libero mercato, non è competizione, non è liberalismo. Ed allora noi liberali dobbiamo difenderci. Dobbiamo lottare per il made in Italy. Dobbiamo imporre dazi morali contro chi NON compra italiano.

E dobbiamo indignarci se la Polizia Italiana o i nostri rappresentanti politici continuano a comprare auto straniere. And if you drink wine in Italian restaurants in California. And if the Italian supermarkets bring in the most strategic products beyond the Alps. As we become indignant if our agricultural producers drop the fruit on the ground rather than collect them (happens in Basilicata) because it costs more ... while the fruit we eat comes from Kenya or from other locations as exotic.

Made in Italy must be defended by any citizen who has the Italian identity card. Without duties or imposts anti-liberal but a simple, strong, exemplary reason: the love for our homeland.

And that is why we want to say thanks to President Ciampi.

Il presidente della Repubblica Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, intervenuto ad Aosta in occasione dell'incontro istituzionale con le autorità locali, ha esortato gli italiani a sostenere il Made-in-Italy per dare impulso alla ripresa dell'economia italiana.

"Quando compriamo un prodotto italiano, diamo impulso alle attività delle nostre imprese", ha detto il presidente rivolgendosi agli amministratori della città piemontese in un discorso riportato sul sito del Quirinale.

"Le imprese e le famiglie, per l'incertezza del futuro, sono trattenute dall'investire e dallo spendere", ha precisato il capo dello Stato. Per questo, ha aggiunto, l'Italia deve intervenire infondendo fiducia e gli italiani must respond by buying local products and thereby helping local businesses.

Ciampi also believes that the Italian economy recovery is possible. "We can do it - he said in Aosta." We are not condemned to record negative statistics. Even by the most recent data on production Istat something seems to be moving in the right direction. "

The head of state says he saw" signs of awakening, a desire for redemption, of new business ideas. "Signs of recovery in exports, "which are (but) still a number of difficulties in some sectors," added the president.

Companies rinnovato i prodotti anche nell'ultimo anno, un "anno difficile", ha ribadito Ciampi. "Il problema maggiore resta la domanda interna stagnante, sia i consumi, sia gli investimenti".

Sunday, October 2, 2005

Post Eating Disorder Boobs

Dreams and Realities ... parking under the trees

Il 23 Settembre il Comitato di Piazza Aspromonte ha organizzato una Festa nella Piazza e per i cittadini. Il Consiglio di Zona 3 la ha co-finanziata cercando anche di trarne un ritorno politico (il suo Presidente Viola non ha avuto fatica a salire sul palco per "salutare" i cittadini) con un'incredibile voltafaccia, visto che nel frattempo ha dato parere favorevole ad altri parcheggi sotto gli alberi (piazza Gobetti, via Bazzini, piazza Durante).
This has given rise to an interesting debate in the forum to which the Committee-of course-we have participated, too.
Here are three of the last intervention ... above all to insist that there must be a way of doing politics and the interests of the citizens to really!

Saturday, September 24 at 15:30. Begin to appear the first children, a little 'scared, a little' attracted daicolori the basketball court. Within 10 minutes approaching pagliaccitruccatori. I turn around, after a while 'is already a good knot .... always the truccopiace children. The clowns will end their work with crampialla hand, three hours later. Start the animated fable, dissolve the reservations ... the little ones are still intimidated, the largest follow the leader. I am at the tables, in the meantime get a lot of people, often the friend of a friend, to bring pies, pizzas , soft drinks ... my mom how much stuff as they have "spignattato" to give us a hand! The children play. I turn again eved some beautiful waves of colorful papier-mâché. A show, quantisaranno these children?? All together the following story on the trees. Rotoloni Then begin to draw on. How many ... that beautiful designs, no one can remove them from their mess! I watch children dellapiazza. They are all beautiful, much they want to have fun, and anch'iofinalmente I feel happy in my heart ... I think that the plaza is eto them and they must remain so. Start the snack. An assault! There chilascia something, someone anything. It does not matter. It is not an obligation. E 'giornatadi a party for everyone, even for those not wanting to pull out a centesimo.Comincia music, dancing. We expected the dancers of the "third age ..." but few people hit the dance. In contrast, children scatenanocome crazy! A warning label says the trees of the square, also ibambini follow, I wonder if you remember something .... Then tantagente that comes to us and thanks us, people who cross the street and chefinalmente has the courage to ask, to understand .... The evening begins ilsecondo round. For the appetizer arrived reinforcements. What about ottopizze, finished in two minutes? the pie of the Greek restaurant, ditutto merchants who gave us a hand without asking anything incambio! In the evening a beautiful concert. Even the sound is bad, pensavopeggio! It sounds like a summer evening. Francis brings the coffee in the square, sulvassoio, with service to the party! It 's the finishing touch. I'm really benePenso, maybe we are really fortunati.Per me are the memories of Saturday questi.Non institutional discourses, not the controversy over who is the party, not leaccuse of servility, not spite. For me Saturday was the moment perfesteggiare something unique. Piazza Aspromonte that is what it is, enon becomes a parking lot. Is not that say enough??

2. ADOREO: A news
FRIDAY 'September 30, 2005, AT 18:30, at the headquarters of the Council of Zone 3, via Sansovino, 9E convened unCONSIGLIO ZONE MONOTHEMATIC with agenda: underground car park of Via Benedetto Marcello and the system of SURFACE The Council is open to all citizens. Come along to make your voice heard before decisions are taken wrong, harmful and contrary to the promises made to the habitability of quartiere.COSA They promised us ... The construction of underground car parks in Via Benedetto Marcello was welcomed by residents and the Council of Zone 3 also (and especially) because accompanied by a promise of regeneration of the area, as required by the environmental constraints which it is subjected, who wants to Green with four (or six) rows of trees, twin Via Morgagni .... AND WHAT AVREMO.Ma to work now completed, 19 April 2005, the area roads, parking and signage of the City of Milan calling for a "necessary changes the plot, so that it can make use of the means and the stalls of the hawkers' market twice a week and "feels right" reposition only "two of the four rows of trees planned "and" Changing the flooring Concrete / gravel driveways with paving stone. "

3. Mario Caputi: DREAMS AND REALITY '

reply to message Adoreo Marina.Sarebbe and to the wonderful world described by the Navy, the idyll difamiglie in celebration, and children chase each other, and picnicsull'erba , and outdoor games. It would be what everyone hoped would icittadini respectable. Aperti.Poi a dream come true, however, you awaken with the meetings of the CDZ, cambiamentiin with the process, with the advice single issue, with promises nonmantenute, with "hidden agendas" (Priority hidden), with gliobiettivi business, with factions, with the assaults alladiligenza, with the destruction of Italy. I sincerely regret being here to spend time with all details noicon, counter-explanations, clarifications, counter-puntializzazioni (some call piùsemplicemente much "controversy"). I'm not a polemic, not sonoun "troublemaker of citizens" (words spoken to me personally dalnostro president emeritus Viola). I do not pay anyone for farmivenire liver pain and make him come all voi.Ma'm not a dreamer. I have not sent my cervelloall'ammasso. I do not think you can live any day when romance and alcunsogno know of the existence of the 'homo hominislupus " (= Man, wolf man). There are those among us says not to show the "differences" all'internodel Committee (and to use other addresses) "because questoindirizzo read us all." I do not agree . I hate to hide my dissent
! Mr. Viola, go to host the same party, paying with money inostri, Piazza Gobetti. Show courage. Tell aicittadini Piazza Gobetti because he wants to destroy their trees, and why not strive for a solution alternativa.E tell your colleagues in other CDZ Milan lestesse parties to organize the Bosco di Gioia, a square in Libya, piazzaleAccursio. Go up along with his colleagues on stage in front aicittadini, explain them a sense of your decisions, unpack, fill them with words! But know we know. Dream as Marina and Henry masappiamo. And we speak. And we will give you rest. Why in the face Italy at cheabbiamo occasionally rebels. And you, Mr. Viola, havisto him in person ... while our hearts were in full swing edil his cell phone rang ...
Regards to all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Vintage Soul Train Dancers

Why can not there be a liberal socialism

Now it's official, the Radical Party and SDI (and presumably the new PSI) team up to form a socialist movement, secular, radical and liberal. Bobo Craxi even speak of liberal socialism.

We call this the mental disorder. Liberalism and Socialism two things are antithetical. Impossible to get together. But amazingly just to keep your feet both ways you try this absurd ideological marriage just to scrape together the more votes from people who do not know.

We went to comb through the literature and found that liberal Ludwig von Mises wrote about liberalism and socialism. Read below ... you'll see some good, pace of clowns in our house.

1. Definitions
liberalism and socialism for the supreme and agree in the past, but differ in the fact that, to achieve the same aims, liberalism, identifies the most suitable property in private means of production, while socialism identifies the collective ownership.

So there is no economic difference between socialism and communism. Both terms, socialism and communism denote the same system of economic organization of society, namely the public control of all means of production , distinct from private control, namely capitalism. The two terms, socialism and communism are synonymous.

The essential difference between the liberal and socialist production is that the first men fend for themselves, while the second is the system that provides them. Socialism wants to give to mangiare, da vivere e da vestirsi all'umanità. Ma gli uomini preferiscono mangiare, vivere vestirsi e cercare la felicità a modo loro.

La questione è di sapere quale dei due sistemi, liberalismo o socialismo, garantisca una più alta produttività degli sforzi umani, per migliorare il tenore di vita della gente.

2. Il valore sociale del Liberalismo
Il liberalismo assegna allo Stato il compito di proteggere la vita, la salute, la libertà e la proprietà dei suoi cittadini contro l'aggressione violenta o fraudolenta.

La politica del liberalismo è la politica del bene comune , la politica del sottomettere gli special interests to the general well-being - a process that requires the individual not the renunciation of one's interests but the perception of the harmony of all individual interests in order to improve the living conditions of all . There are, therefore, individuals or groups whose interests would, ultimately, better protected from socialism than to a society based on private ownership of means of production.

And this multitude rise of the radical social change that is caused by the "liberal industrial revolution." Those masses that dominated in all previous ages of history gave rise to flocks of slaves and servants, poor people and beggars, are Today buying public, whose support is sought by businessmen. They are the customers who have "always right", those who have the power to make poor people rich and rich suppliers poor vendors. In
fabric of the market economy, when it is not sabotaged by the panaceas of governments and politicians, there are no signori "noblemen country that keep the people submissive, do not collect these fees and taxes, and feasting merrily on the shoulders of farmers who have to settle for the crumbs. " The profit-based system makes those men prosper who manage to satisfy, as best as possible and cheaper, people's needs. Wealth can be increased only by serving the consumers. The capitalists lose their capital, not just a lack of investment in those classes that best meet the demands of the public. In a plebiscite repeated every day, in which every penny gives a right to vote, consumers decide who should own and operate factories, shops and farms.
E 'the consumer that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. And the consumer and fixing the remuneration of a movie star or an opera singer at a level higher than that of a welder or an accountant.

Liberalism was opposed to anything that had the character of immutable and guarantees has tried to minimize the number of employees public. Public officials, when corrupt, violate the laws and are fully aware of damage to the collective good. And since gradually get used to violate criminal laws and moral norms, they end up losing entirely the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, between good and evil. If you can not produce or sell goods without violating this or that regulation, you end up thinking that ultimately sin against the law and moral face "unfortunately part of life and miss those" theorists "who want things to go differently .

3. The failure of socialism
The impracticability of Socialism is the consequence di ragioni di ordine intellettuale e non morale. Il socialismo non può raggiungere il suo scopo perché in una società socialista il calcolo economico è impossibile .
Il socialismo non è fallito per resistenze ideologiche, perché anzi l'ideologia dominante è ancora oggi quella socialista. E fallito perché irrealizzabile. Ogni passo che ci allontana dal sistema sociale della proprietà privata dei mezzi di produzione riduce la produttività e quindi provoca miseria e indigenza .
Il socialismo non è quel che pretende di essere. Non è la scelta avanzata di un mondo migliore e più bello, ma il distruttore di quel che migliaia di anni di civiltà hanno creato. Esso, non costruisce; distrugge .

In un paese socialista i gruppi di pressione mirano ad assicurare ai loro membri privilegi a spese dei gruppi e degli individui più deboli. L'esistenza della corruzione è un fenomeno concomitante inevitabile dell'interventismo statale.

La politica socialista fornisce a migliaia e migliaia di individui lavori sicuri, tranquilli, e non troppo faticosi, a spese del resto della società . Ogni nazionalizzazione o creazione di un’ impresa municipale o statale lega interessi privati al movimento contro la proprietà privata. Il socialismo e il distruttivismo odierni trovano i loro più forti sostenitori nei milioni di persone per le quali un ritorno a a freer economy would, in short, in the long run, detrimental to their own particular interests.

4. The Harlequin Italian
To protect the socialist ideal from the devastating effects of this criticism has been made recently, some attempts to improve the common definition of "socialism" .
My definition of socialism as a policy aimed at creating a society in which the means of production are socialized , is in agreement with everything that scientists have written on the subject. He says that historically have to be blind not to notice that over the past one hundred years of socialism ha rappresentato solamente questo, e nient'altro; e che è in questo senso che il grande movimento socialista è stato ed è socialista.
Non è tuttavia il caso di litigare sulla definizione! Se a qualcuno piace chiamare socialista un ideale che conserva la proprietà privata dei mezzi di produzione, libero di farlo! Un uomo è libero di chiamare cane un gatto e sole la luna, se gli fa piacere. Bisogna però dire che il capovolgimento della terminologia abitualmente usata, che tutti capiscono, non porta alcun vantaggio e crea solamente malintesi.

Il socialismo non è la prosecuzione del liberalismo : it is his enemy. It is not allowed to come up with a close connection between liberalism and social democracy for the simple reason that they oppose one and another.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

How Much Is Imax At Cineplex

Ripartiamo (2005)

Here's what we saw during the holidays of August 2005, from wiretaps to the "new center", from London to Lampedusa (see 2004), from football to yet another little book by Dan Brown ... What we have seen

This month in August?
1. A man talking on the phone along with many other people became rich thanks to the brick. And they all complain about having their mobile phones under control and they were intercepted ... and do not have privacy , And have been exposed to public ridicule of the media and newspapers. Poor things ... of course they spoke of Saint Teresa of Calcutta and orphanages in Africa and of favoritism ... mica rules circumvented.
PS. In 2004 we had already written about this man that discredits all of us. He is still there attached to his increasingly weak bench. We are here, more and more convinced to be right. Read and believe.

2. The only "politician" Italian appreciated and respected abroad than it does our own proposal: "neither right nor left, but with a new pole " (he calls him a center, to distinguish it, perhaps?) And all our politicians to criticize the proposal and to minimize their impacts. And how could they, do otherwise? How could they give reason to those who thus calls directly to step aside for manifest inability (we would say for "obvious immorality")? Well, we are ready to support any new pole that makes her the liberal revolution, the only recipe for this Italy blocked and decadent.

3. The man symbol of the United Kingdom announced in a trembling voice, but with strong will, the rules of the game have changed for those who want to live in Britain and experience the hard way the "power" of a liberal society, anchored to traditional values courageously and always striving to reinvent itself for the social and civil progress. Thanks to him we know that it is possible to prevent the raves against the West in mosques all paid for with money, that we continue to use a foreign language instead of the language of business worldwide, and we live in subcomunità and sub-cultures preferring isolation to integration.

4. The usual boats of illegal immigrants in Lampedusa to indicate more clearly the difference between Italy and the United Kingdom, and Oriana Fallaci reaffirms what many think is an Italian citizen and raped for days by a pack of scoundrels 6, 5 of which were to be expelled . Who pays for this omission of official acts? Who gains from the business of landing and expulsions fake?

5. The stupid new book by Dan Brown, who will start in an attractive and ends with a final psychedelic pales in comparison with which John Wayne, which makes us seriously doubt the sanity of summentovato and above (which is why the example in this article) throws again discredit, doubt, and malicious thoughts on the only global institution (global?) anchored in Rome and very critical of a certain philosophy of life from oltreatlantico. Cui prodest ? Who benefits from destroying the only world power that stood for two thousand years and that, like it or not, still speak Latin, and still sits on this side of the Atlantic, Rome, Caput Mundi in ?

6. Besides the usual things:
  • the usual mess-ups of calcium (This time is Genoa. Betting or not? Tapping real or fake? Judges asleep or unscrupulous?). Then renew the same proposal to Mr. Carraro: stay there another year, to let us know what else you can see. My imagination is still.

  • The centrist and right sides throw on the left to avoid being involved in the defeat of Berlusconi declared loyal but demanding a strong signal strength (not saying that .... Harlequinesque-style of a foot in both camps)
We could continue with the list of summer events (which chooses the TV Pupo, the beloved holidays, road accidents, the usual fire and destruction of pine forests, ...), but we will not bore you further. I would ask you to do if I forgot something important to write an email or using the forum. We leave again. The objectives are the same ( .

Welcome back then. And bon voyage

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Whats Does Brazillians Drink

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Monday, July 25, 2005

Homemade Babyshower Decorations

The time for talk is over

London under attack, Egypt upset, threats to Rome, Amsterdam and Copenhagen.
At the risk of repeating myself first and foremost I write my condolences to the victims and the wounded. But at the same time without fear
reiterate that we are at war. WE ARE AT WAR. E richiedoai "sedicenti musulmani moderati" di scendere in piazza e protestare.
Orsù. Scendete in piazza. A Londra, a Sharm, a Roma, ad Amsterdam, a Copenhagen.
Non provate anche voi il nostro stesso SCHIFO a veder collegato il vostro Dio e il vostro testo sacro a qualcosa di così vigliacco, così abominevole, così aberrante? Scendete in piazza. SCENDETE IN PIAZZA. Difendete il vostro Allah e il vostro Corano. Dimostrate da che parte state. Perché se non lo fate voi allora costringete noi a pensare. Ed ad agire.
Perché il tempo delle parole è finito, terminato. Die Zeit ist aus! Schluss .

Thursday, July 21, 2005

How Deep For Growing Garlic In Pot

The new design of the CdS

Siamo stati due settimane via, negli USA ed in Europa. Leggendo la stampa locale e notando subito enormi differenze con quella nostrana...
Tornati in Italia notiamo con compiacimento la nuova veste editoriale del CdS, i colori, l'impaginazione, le rubriche, le belle soluzioni per rendere più gradevole la lettura. Bene ci diciamo. Forse uno svecchiamento ci voleva. Bravi.
Poi andiamo a cena con amici stranieri. E torniamo sull'argomento. E riflettiamo a voce alta sul Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, su die Neue Zuercher Zeitung, sull' Herald Tribune, sul Wall Street Journal . Sui giornali cioè ai quali il CdS deve ispirarsi. I giornali sui quali si parla solo dei più in vista. Sui quali si fa a gara per comparire. Sui quali c'è onore ad be interviewed and vedervici print your name (Enron and Parmalat in part).

Ohibò, we say. Ohibò. Those foreign newspapers not publish front-page players' weddings, salaries of papers and television hosts, loves and betrayals of goodies and it is, the interviews "counter-wind," sobs of puppets and famous babes, gossip journalists frustrated and vindictive, etc. The first-class newspapers in the world, talk about issues and people of the first class. Stylish cold, detached, informative, enriching experience.

In many, many Italians lacks the ability to learn without having to read " marriages of players, salaries of papers and television hosts, loves and betrayals of goodies and it is, the interviews "counter-wind," sobs of puppets and famous babes, gossip journalists frustrated and vindictive, etc.. " these Italians that bla bla bla do not care. A bla bla bla these Italians that makes me hives. What does it take to make a newspaper that speaks of values \u200b\u200band ignoring serious rot and vippaggine cafona?

Ohibò, we have concluded, perhaps we are the bigots. But the Security Council, in rebuild his face, he forgot to make up the soul and perhaps that famous label of quality.

Sunday, July 3, 2005

Removing Earring Starter Studs

counterfeit cards ... is another feature of nichinismo? It

seems increasingly clear that during the counting of votes in regional elections on April 3 and 4 of Puglia Last not everything went the right way . Also because of the photos start to appear clumsy counterfeit cards that do not need comments.
The Security Council has published a few, us on the site of Liberal Italy, they remind one that there is enough to repeat in a loud voice that this democracy is a disgusting and that the minimum to do would be to call new elections . But it is a utopia, and then there is nothing left to support any initiative that Rositani Bari and Company are launching their part of what is legally permissible.

Read full article by following the link below --->>

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Cost To Refill Fire Extinguishers

increase salaries as the crisis progresses ...

This è proprio un intervento da maggioranza silenziosa che si sta incazzando.
Quando il Paese è in crisi e il deficit sale e il potere di acquisto delle famiglie scende e occorrono manovre correttive, beh il minimo che si possa attendere da gestori pubblici con la testa sulle spalle è la riduzione dei loro introiti. Ed invece che succede? Loro rilanciano e si aumentano stipendi che sono già ai limiti di ciò che potrebbe essere equo.
E quando si arrabbia la maggioranza silenziosa, si tutti quei cittadini italiani che hanno votato due volte contro il finanziamento pubblico per vedere disattesa due volte la propria volontà, allora può venir fuori qualcosa di veramente divertente, come una semplice iniziativa referendaria for the 'abolition of privileges of all Members. The institute
referendum is at risk? Do not pull over and you can not reach the quorum ? Remember Craxi's invitation to "go to the beach, remember that when the Italians get upset then it may spark a civil war-especially-but remember that we are many who fight for the policy goes back to being a service to citizens, not an 'industry paid with our taxes. So, we see the next steps. But let's dust off the shotguns of our grandparents. You never know! ( Follow the link to read the whole article )

Monday, June 20, 2005

Rabbit Cages Blue Prints

The radical dilemma, between the sun and industry.

Today the press (CdS) shows the idea Panel redefine its space for political action. His proposal, he says, is that of a movement that can be called the Action Party. His idea, he says, is to unite the Italian lay, a large crowd radical, liberal, socialist, progressive.

Etcetera, I say. And yes, dear Pannella. Forgotten Communists, the Left Democrats, the Republicans (and even while you're at the monarchists), Mussolini and why not the UDC.

The proposal of the Action Party do not like at all. Depersonalized. Does not reward the cultural identity. Again, for those who have not yet grasped: the liberal and socialist philosophy are antithetical. They can not go together ... unless that are not only looking for a place in the sun in the most prosperous in Italy that exists today: the political one.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Embalming Jobs In Japan

A miracle? Taxes and freedom

Unicredito buys a major foreign bank, the first in Bavaria and Austria. For the first time in who knows how many centuries, the global market and the free market reward an Italian. And 'perhaps too early to know all the details, the price (not only economic) paid to the influence of governance which will meet Cordusio Square.

But the mere fact that it happened is a remarkable fact that there is finally something to rejoice. We are proud to have lived. Thanks Mr. Profumo!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Building An H Frame For Tv Wall Mount

This fee must be paid fair quel che lo Stato fa ai cittadini. Invece al giorno d'oggi è un prelievo arbitrario deciso da chi gestisce il potere elettorale e se lo spartisce con le logiche che tutti conosciamo. Ed ogni volta che queste logiche di spartizione vedono premiati carrozzoni inutili, fannulloni patentati, feudi nepotistici, amici degli amici, sfruttatori del bene pubblico, etc allora noi non possiamo non riflettere sull'utilità (inutilità) delle tasse.

La tassa deve essere il premio che la società decide di dare a chi gestisce la vita sociale. Invece al giorno d'oggi è la manna piovuta dal cielo (da chi lavora e guadagna) per tutti quelli che vedono nella politica la mucca da mungere, negli Enti da chiudere un modo di guadagno, nei budget a flood of public resources to draw upon.

The fee is not liberal, not fair, is not moral. I have to decide whether and how to pay a portion of the fruits of my labor to those who by vocation and a spirit of service has decided to devote his life to facilitate mine. Nell'italietta 2005, the fee is not nothing like this ... is just an excuse and a strong core that attracts the bandits to attack the coach.

Rethinking the taxation in a liberal means returning power to citizens pay. And the technique of zero-base budgeting, I think the only solution (bloodless) all'incancrenita practice to remove the fruit of the real work of the many benefits of hypocrisy and slakers (per essere gentili) dei pochi.

Cancelliamo quindi tutti i sostituti di imposta, riduciamo al 25% la tassazione e stiamocene alla finestra a contare tutti quelli che prenderanno a lamentarsi... saranno tutti coloro che non vogliono lavorare e che han deciso di spendere la loro vita alle spalle del nostro sudore.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Swing Set For Sale Texas

The university competitions

Sul “Giornale” è apparsa una pagina a pagamento. L'autore chiede a sé stesso e a noi se si tratta di una manifestazione alla Don Chisciotte. Finalmente diciamo noi, finalmente c'è qualcuno che ha avuto il coraggio (e i soldi) per rompere la cortina di silenzio attorno ai tanti scandali quotidiani che affossano la nostra università (il minuscolo è voluto), demotivano the worthy, rewarding the lazy bear out the arrogance of the powers that be above-and-damage our country.

As appeared in the Journal (full text in the link provided) is not new! You know how many people in Italy has suffered and is suffering from the blatant nepotism which is discussed in the article? You know how many Italians are smart and worthy harassed and overcome by a perverse logic of power and destructive for us all?

Just recently I spoke with friends of Bari 4 competitions were organized at various eye clinics Puglia. The fear is that we can repeat what we all know: that the competitions have been organized to help people iper-sponsorizzata. Immaginiamo già tutti i trucchi del mestiere per far credere che tutto sia in ordine, che i criteri meritocratici siano stati rispettati, che i migliori siano stati scelti etc.

Ma spero sinceramente che questo non avvenga nella mia città. Lo spero in quanto ogni concorso che viene falsificato causa danni irreparabili alle persone ancora perbene di questo Paese e soprattutto a tutti gli italiani che non possono usufruire e godere del "genio" che ancora esiste fra di noi. Ma non sono stupido, né sono nati ieri. Ed allora pongo le mie poche forze a disposizione di tutti i giovani universitari, ricercatori, assistenti etc che hanno sperimentato sulla loro pelle lo scandalo dei concorsi universitari truccati e vogliano fare i don Quixote, write what happened to them. Not to do or ostracism witch hunt ... but to restore a minimum order and clean liberally: to reward the worthy and to minimize the power (the capital is intended) that is destroying the Italian university. Commented

this blog or send your stories to the site of the liberal. Do not be afraid to publish them.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Headstones For Graves/maryland

Children and jam

Prodi and Rutelli they started fighting over who should direct the electric train. A former mayor and a former president of the EU. Congratulations. Also because it seems that finally you are arguing about how to revive the fortunes of Italy, about how to restart the economy, how to reduce taxes by returning purchasing power citizens on how to help companies regain competitiveness, how to create new jobs, how to increase research, and so on.

We are impressed by so much interest and spirit of service.

Bravi, heart. Bravo!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Columbus Ohio Driver's License Renewal Branches

liberal revolution

All profess to be liberal in Italy. The term is highly inflated. But we wondered what it really means: liberal revolution?

briefly reflect what could be at least:
  • cancellation of business licenses and professional: All Italian citizens are free to carry out the activities that compete each other without necessarily having to move from approval of your hand Public: I want to become a taxi driver? buy a car, overcome an aptitude test and do it. (I want to be a notary? idem. accountant? Idem)
  • but few rules apply to everyone. Considering that our civilization has managed to nullify and cancel codes civil, criminal, commercial and moral would be even easier to tabula rasa, delete them all and rewrite a single civil code, with a few simple rules. Then focusing all attention on the respect of the same
  • taxes to 25%. Only one rate, valid for all natural and legal persons. How to balance the budget (aka find the resources?) With the technique of zero-based budgeting ... erase all public expenditures. Togliere tutte le prebende, le ruberie autorizzate, gli stipendi e le pensioni pubbliche, gli incentivi e benefici, le gratuità etc etc. E ricominciare da zero, da quelle realmente indispensabili, sino al raggiungimento del tetto pari al 25% delle tasse degli italiani.

Potrei continuare.

Ma bastano questi 3 pensieri in libertà per far capire cosa abbiamo realmente di fronte e quanti interessi e corporazioni costituite andremmo a "toccare".Per questa lotta ci si può anche morire. Ed è un obiettivo che val la pena di essere vissuto!