Thursday, July 29, 2010

How Does A Fibre Optic Tree Work

"Superporto Trieste - Monfalcone, virtual project more than ever,"

now, also because of the immediate response to a response was received yesterday at the Regional Council signed in, you can safely say that the debate concerning the so-called Superporto Trieste - Monfalcone is essentially a media debate on a virtual project, since, as he had occasion to state in court the commissioner Riccardi "on this working hypothesis have been held so far include conferences and round tables to the feasibility of the proposal and the degree its share by the institutions. "

a clear answer, that at least resize the news a few days ago, which was confirmed by Unicredit of Logistics, the submission of a complete and accompanied by business plans for the September 30 superporto of Trieste and Monfalcone , stressing that the search for private partners for the operation is not restricted to giant Maersk but also other leading actors of the shipping companies, as well as to private companies of Friuli Venezia Giulia. In addition, Unicredit, also in advances made by the press, would require the appointment of a special commissioner with "absolute technical and professional competence" as a condition essential for the development of the logistics hub of Trieste and Monfalcone. In the query

immediate response to myself just asked if the Region FVG considered legitimate and normal for Unicredit Logistics, until proven otherwise private person and so far only a carrier of specific interest to make up the so-called superporto, may request the figure commissioner, defining the characteristics, reaching even to the prediction of regional port authority and only if it considers, the Region, that this would pose a risk of deposing of public institutions in charge to decide on the port, and finally, if the Due to continuous delays in funding for the logistics platform of the Port of Trieste is not to look for in a fast-track the national government and the region itself are apparently giving the above-named project Unciredit.

The answer councilor, which are very long and consists of two pages, clearly puts on one point: there is no project Unicredit, but a working hypothesis, on which there has been meetings and round tables. No claims were even instances in order to obtain public lands or concessions in the ports concerned and therefore, the councilor words, there are no administrative procedures in place that require a conclusion of proceedings by the region. At present there are assessments of political and technical nature of a general nature, appreciation of the initiative that the council considers it appropriate not to waste an opportunity to investigate possible development of the port in the region with the help of private capital. In this sense, the council has recently taken a generality with which he has expressed an interest to investigate the possibility of development in question.

were fired out of tune titles in newspapers and television stations in regard to the actual texture of progettoUnicredit or are too conservative, compared to the set, even the President Tondo, practical steps really made so far by the Regional Council?

knowing it would be appropriate, as it would be appropriate to address a serious debate to see if a port authority can represent a real unique regional advantage or whether, on the contrary, as we believe, carries the risk of a downgrade from Trieste port of national interest in a part of a regional port system niche, which surely would not have any interest in Maersk and other hypothetical investors, as well as, obviously, are believed to be entirely hypothetical, in light of the officially declared by ' Councillor Riccardi, eight hundred million euro would be Unicredit Logistics willing to invest in the operation.

Trieste, 29.07.2010

Igor Kocijančič

PRC Regional Director - SE

Using Eyepiece Camera In Linux

Regional Council
Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia



ADVISER Questioner: Igor Kocijancic


PURPOSE: In the latest reports of Unicredit and "Superporto" Trieste - Monfalcone .-

Given that recently appeared in the local press Unicredit Logistics news that would have confirmed the submission of a complete and accompanied by business plans for the so-called Superporto of Trieste and Monfalcone, and requesting the appointment of a special commissioner with complete technical and professional competence "as a precondition for the development of logistics hub of Trieste and Monfalcone, Unicredit detected that would già delineato assetto, costi e “cronoprogramma” della struttura commissariale, che dovrebbe operare presso il Commissariato del Governo e supportata finanziariamente da Governo, Regione e Società di corridoio (partecipata da Unicredit e da altre imprese partner) che dovrebbe ricevere in concessione le aree demaniali per avviare i lavori e concluderli entro quattro anni; Dato atto che tali linee di indirizzo sarebbero state discusse in una recente riunione al Consiglio dei Ministri, alla presenza di rappresentanti di vari ministeri (Economia, Esteri, Trasporti), del sottosegretario all’Ambiente, del vice presidente di Unicredit Logistics e dell’assessore regionale ai trasporti;

Tutto ciò premesso, Ask the President signed the
of the county council or the competent regional councilor
to know if the Region FVG considers legitimate and "normal" Unicredit Logistics, until proven otherwise private party and so far the only carrier of interest for the establishment of the so-called superporto, commissioner may require the figure, defining the characteristics, reaching even to the prediction of regional Port Authority and to determine if one is not satisfied, the Friuli Venezia Giulia, that this would pose a risk of deposing of public institutions in charge to decide on port and if the cause of the continued delay in funding for the platform Logistics of the Port of Trieste is not to look for in a fast-track the national government and the region itself are apparently giving the above-named project Unicredit.

Igor Kocijancic

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gran Turismo 5 Helmets

But what good is the mother of the jota? First fruits of the poisoned

learn from the press that the mother of the Regional Federica Seganti jota excellent cuisine, even "some of the finest Jote Trieste. What at first glance may seem a statement of lightness, is instead a statement very challenging, because it presupposes value judgments expressed in absolute terms. How many Jote tasted Federica Seganti to grant the status of excellence alla zuppa della mamma? Dovrebbero essere migliaia, almeno centinaia. Se così non fosse la sua sarebbe un’affermazione che lascia il tempo che trova e ci indurrebbe a pensare che la jota di sua mamma non sia per niente eccezionale. Mostratemi la figlia (o figlio) degenere che non parla bene della cucina materna.
Se invece il metro di valutazione per la jota della mamma è analogo a quello utilizzato per stilare il bilancio positivo del proprio operato da assessore a pianificazione territoriale, autonomie locali e sicurezza, relazioni internazionali e comunitarie, allora saremmo indotti a ritenere che la jota della mamma non dev’essere poi così buona…
L’assessore Seganti si promuove, citando a mo’ di risultati obtained the building code, the rifoma local police, to put the (sic) of the mountain communities and the reorganization of the Community. You forgot to clarify that the reform of local police was a result achieved by the regional council that has made a synthesis of different designs and bills already filed, that the mere deletion of an entity is not the achievement of a result and we still anxiously waiting to discuss the alternatives and the most frequently stated the text of the reform of local governments. Not a word about the total failure of security policies, not even the glimmer of a self-critical reflection on the myriad of mediumistic utterances remained suspended in space. In short, a two years of talk and very modest results. Among
a bit 'the delegation will Seganti certainly more "tough", such as business, with the multitude of emergencies related to them. Expect to be compared in this respect. The Northern League also won in FVG the opportunity to demonstrate its value, such as on the front of the block of relocation. In September we will need stamina and energy sources. We recommend a "drip de jota" (the mother).

Trieste, 07.07.2010
Igor Kocijančič
PRC Regional Director - SE