Friday, January 28, 2011

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gross errors of translation in Slovenian language brochure on the Convention on the Rights of ....... Risks

Regional Council
Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia

questions for written answer

SUBJECT: gross errors of translation in Slovenian language brochure on the Convention on the Rights of the Child published by the Office of Public guardian of children of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the undersigned adviser .-


Given that he recently read the translated version in Slovenian booklet on the Convention on the Rights of the Child published by the Office of Public guardian of children of Friuli Venezia Giulia region and is already deployed in some schools where the language of instruction Slovene the province of Trieste;
detected, even by a first summary reading, the presence of gross errors of transcription and translation in the text written in Slovene;
detected even after further reading it appears that the notes in the Slovene translation was worse than the current official text of the Slovenian language and available on a variety of computer sites;
considering that the reported, beyond the poor quality of translation, reveals a worrying attitude of neglect and degradation of the Slovenian language;
Noting that the translation into Slovenian society has been given to Serling scarl;

All Given the above, the undersigned
Regional Council asks the Regional Council to determine if

1. In this regard, have already received reports on the inadequacy of the translation into Slovenian.
2. In light of what happened not see fit to withdraw from distribution the Slovenian version of the brochure on the subject.
3. Intends to promote, and in what form, an act of revenge against scarl Serling, that in addition to gross translation errors highlighted in the introduction has undoubtedly also caused considerable damage to the image of the FVG Region.

Trieste, 28 January 2011 Igor

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pending Trieste to Porto after appointing a new President APT.

First interpellante: Igor Kocijančič
Political group: SA - Communist Party of the PRC - EL
Councillor Proposer: Igor Kocijančič
Submitted on: 28/01/2011
Subject: Risks
pending Trieste to Porto after appointing a new President APT.

Given that a previous question on the subject of myself as the only answer was the continuation of the admin path that led to the appointment of Dr. Monassi as President of the Port of Trieste
Noting that the lack of motivation and the proper investigation of the matter in question, that the writer still believes necessary, and therefore the decision taken to proceed in any case the appointment, in the absence of institutional and public debate, can not that result in the near future, a further aggravation of the situation.
found that this approach confirms the belief of the writer that the president of the region has done so for reasons of internal equilibrium of the majority and not with a view to making an appropriate choice for the development of the port of Trieste.
brief overview of some contradictions still exist and not at all overcome the appointment shall provide for:
1) the role of Vice President Corporate Banking dell'Unicredit still held by Dr. Monassi allow the same, as chairman of the AP Trieste, to give a balanced assessment of the Project on Unicredit the so-called superporto?
2) under the current leadership positions filled in the map of the city of Trieste, the President of the Region does not believe there is an excessive centralization of power in the person of Dr. Monassi resulting play the dual role of President of the Port of Trieste and Director General of AC.E.GA.S. APS?
3) paragraph 5 of art. 2393 of the Civil Code provides for the withdrawal from the office of the directors of joint stock company subject to liability action and therefore their exclusion from the immediate SpA specifically the action of loss of revenue is nothing if not an action for damages against administrators. In altre parole pende sulla neo nominata Presidente dell’APT la possibilità di rimozione dall’incarico almeno fino al pronunciamento della Corte dei Conti nel procedimento che la riguarda direttamente.

Tutto ciò considerato e premesso il sottoscritto consigliere regionale

Interpella il Presidente della Regione FVG per sapere se e come intenda porre rimedio alle varie contraddizioni descritte in premessa, che, lungi dal permettere scelte e iniziative in favore del Porto e della città di Trieste, rischiano di congelarne l’attività e di consegnare il Porto ad un lungo periodo di incertezza, instabilità ed immobilità.

Il consigliere regionale PRC – SE/Sinistra Arcobaleno
Igor Kocijančič

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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in relation to the last version of the TAV project on routes Venezia - Ronchi Ronchi - Trieste

Consiglio Regionale
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia


OGGETTO: problematiche inerenti la presentazione dello studio di valutazione d’incidenza ambientale in relazione all’ultima versione del progetto TAV riguardante le tratte Venezia – Ronchi e Ronchi - Trieste.-

Il sottoscritto consigliere regionale

Premesso che, tra le festività Christmas and New Year print heads and the local media have given wide coverage to the fact that it was lodged with the EU - before the end of 31.12.2010 - the project plan for the railway line AV / AC Venezia - Ronchi - Trieste Italferr and written by RFI, thereby maintaining the ability to draw on EU funds to finance the project in question;
Noting that at the beginning of January this year the heads of the press and local media showed that the preliminary draft was delivered to local governments that will have 60 days to the examination of the documents and making comments, suggestions, corrections and additions;
Since some organizations ambientaliste, nella fattispecie il WWF regionale, hanno già evidenziato alcune criticità, quali la suddivisione in quattro tronconi di un tracciato unico che potrebbe falsare le procedure di VIA, la mancanza di alcuni elaborati prescritti ed indispensabili per un’esaustiva valutazione del progetto, lamentando, nel contempo l’insufficiente trasparenza del processo valutativo e la limitazione della partecipazione delle comunità locali e dei cittadini;
Rilevato inoltre che allo scrivente risulta che il progetto in questione non è stato trasmesso al servizio competente alla valutazione d’incidenza ambientale presso la Direzione regionale alle risorse rurali, agroalimentari e forestali;
Preso atto che in molte realtà regional authorities are already under way or in public information initiatives predispositions or depth of the preliminary draft in light of the foregoing argument

the undersigned Regional Council asks the Regional Council to know

1. If you are aware of the issues raised by the WWF Regional mentioned in the introduction and how you will act on the findings made;
2. If it is true that the preliminary draft has been deposited only at the Regional Directorate of Environment has not yet been forwarded to the relevant department to the environmental impact assessment at the Regional Directorate of the rural resources, food and forestry

Trieste, 18 January 2011
Igor Kocijančič