Thursday, November 25, 2010

Words Of Sympathy French

appointment of the next President of the Port of Trieste

"Notes summary of the press conference dd. 25.11.2010 "

Recent advances and media hype about what could be the likely future of the Presidency of the Port Authority of Trieste stem mainly from the name given by the Minister Matteoli.
not concern us here the merits of other previews, predictions and connections to other levels and institutional roles, primarily as a future center-right candidate for mayor of Trieste, which reproduce The sickening litany of issues divider in a PDL and a coalition bogged down and now marked by the mere settling of accounts between internal factions and currents inside the PDL, the latest new political allies and increasingly noisy.
We are interested to point out that in the past 15 year history of the Port Authority of Trieste, ignoring the period of the Presidency Fusaroli and commissioners who have followed until the entry into force of Law 84/94, or the appointment of Dr. Lacalamita (June 1995) to the first President of the Port of Trieste, at the helm of this institution there have been three presidents and three or four Commissioners (Dr. Maresca nel 1999, il dott. Mucci a cavallo degli anni 2003 e 2004 e la dott.ssa Monassi nella primavera del 2006).
Senza voler far torto a nessuno, possiamo affermare che la presidenza Lacalamita si è trovata con il problema, non indifferente, di introdurre l’attuazione di un quadro ed un assetto legislativo completamente nuovo, ad oggi ancora non pienamente attuato o quantomeno applicato in modo disomogeneo in tutta Italia, la presidenza del prof. Maresca è stata caratterizzata da una forte presenza mediatica ed enunciativa (un po’ come sta succedendo adesso con il cosiddetto progetto Unicredit) – operativamente caratterizzata dalla concessione alla TICT Luka Koper il ruolo di terminalista al Molo VII, la presidenza Monassi si is distinct, as well as his previous term as secretary general of the PA, on the face of warnings, appeals and responses, we can not say that management has been marked by a particularly bright and great operational success.
Bonicciolli At the period of presidency (2006-2010), we can say, based on objective data and not personal sympathies, we are faced with the best possible management of the last 15 years, as well as having recorded a steady increase of trades (see graphics), provided for structural improvements to the budget by bringing a pasivo 4 million active current of 12.5 million euro, launched and implemented an internal reorganization that has produced reliable results in efficiency and effectiveness, has taken steps to revalue the State fees according to the indexes set at national level, has been able to carry out their duties in certain authoritative as provided by law, without going into groped vaguely spurious attempts to carry out operational roles, which expressly provides for the 84/94 business is conducted by third parties. It 'also failed, this Presidency to complete the approval of the new port master plan which has been debated for twenty years without any results.
The indication seems to produce an acceleration of the Minister Matteoli, we totally inappropriate, in the direction an appointment, that of Dr. Monassi, on which hangs the future also the ruling of the Court of Auditors on the issue of concession fees Greensisam. What would happen if there were, in the spring of 2011, when presumably the Audit Court will decide, a ruling adverse to the former and perhaps future president of the PA of Trieste.
the light of the long introduction, but most of the objective data and reported results should be the same minister Claudio Boniccciolli to believe the best candidate to succeed himself. And please, do not pull in ridiculous dance master data issues, which are not directed almost never the substance of the issues and merits of people.

Trieste, 25.11.2010 Igor
PRC Regional Director - SE

Friday, November 19, 2010

Difference Between Simvastatin Pravastatin

"In the spirit of the Primaries"

The primaries are first and foremost a "positive competition, opportunity and means to expand the active participation of citizens. Should be, this, a statement widely shared at least within the broad array of forces that signed the spatial orientations of the upcoming primaries for the selection of the next mayoral candidate of the center left.
E 'therefore completely inappropriate to speak of fragmentation on the left. Both Marino Andolina, Alessandro Metz are not two flags are both, two candidates who speak to left and can both mobilize and turn on the interests that go well beyond the political forces they represent and in which militate. According to Lauri's statements seem almost to Trieste SEL is the sole trustee of the proposed power unit on the left. E 'instead, or at least a serious mistake, in my opinion, did not submit an application Young, which could be to Vanja Macovaz that, particularly at this time of turmoil in the student world, would have aroused much interest, especially among younger and contribute to their more active participation.

Trieste, 19.11.2010
Igor Kocijančič
PRC Regional Council - SE

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Iso Flex Protein Shakes

"Provisions for the Platform chain? Maybe another time ... "

Yesterday there was in Rome, yet another meeting of the CIPE (Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning), which were approved as many as 16 different projects and programs, resulting in allocation of financial resources and in which , for the umpteenth time, has not even been put on the agenda or discussed the game on the Logistics Platform of Trieste.
Trieste and its port were left again at the stake by the ruler or, if not more rules, continues to support the center-right governments at various levels, from local to national. In
fee was approved the "final draft della piastra portuale di Taranto” con annessa assegnazione di 33,60 milioni di euro.
Riteniamo che ogni ulteriore commento sia superfluo.

Trieste, 18.11.2010
Igor Kocijančič
Consigliere regionale PRC – SE