Monday, December 27, 2010

Recipes After Laparascopic Fundoplication

.- "After so many words is a battle for the future of the Port"

The outcry "cross" of MPs opposed to the resettlement of Trieste Marina Monassi comes as President of the Port Authority to demonstrate that, in case there were any Need further, that the ratification of that sign Round by the President was not at all digested. And 'well, however, point out that it is no longer oppose the nomination of more or less unpleasant, it is to intervene and make a battle for the future of the port of Trieste. The Project on the so-called Unicredit superporto Monfalcone - Trieste is proving its inconsistency. Slipped further financial plan, which was to be presented later this year, local media have also recently certified that, instead of synergies Trieste - Monfalcone is shaping the superporto Monfalcone, while the port of Trieste would remain isolated. Please refer to 2016, the forecast arrival of the first container ship in the new stop, leaving unresolved the question of funding constraints, as in all cases of project financing, an initial payment consisting result, we can quantify to be about ten times higher than the thirty million euro continues to deny that the CIPE for the construction of platform logistics in the port of Trieste. Uncertain and unclear the issue of trafficking should ensure that the Maersk between now and 2033, the date indicated for the set up of the project. It will take three to four million TEUs of traffic to justify spending and investment. Today, the same agreements with Maersk search giant China Cosco to ensure 800,000 TEUs of traffic in Vado Ligure, because it alone can not saturate the terminal. Unicredit

The project stipulates that from now to 2033 Trieste and its port you can forget to have adequate rail connections and most likely CIPE funds for logistics platform. You choose to dig 9.3 million cubic meters to get to deep water Monfalcone as those that are now available in Trieste. It is expected, but do not know what legal basis to appoint a special commissioner to follow the implementation of the project, perhaps indicated by the bank itself, but is silent on the fact that such a scenario would result in a downgrading of the international port of Trieste on a regional scale.

Who should protect and defend the project from Trieste and its port? We they can do all those, starting with members of Trieste, have understood that to realize the expected 350,000 TEUs in 2016, Monfalcone, it probably benefited from enhanced rail services, will necessarily have to draw on the existing traffic today Molo VII by subtracting those trades to our city and maybe using € 500 million to build a "twin" of the Molo VII in its harbor. We think

Monassi Marina to protect the interests of Trieste? The new president "in pectore," despite the ongoing inquiry of the Court of Auditors for the fees concessions at the Old Port and Budgets in the red port dating of his first presidency, is also vice president dell'Unicredit Corporate Banking.

There is a battle to do in defense of Trieste and its port and we reiterate that Claudio Boniciolli would be the ideal ally to protect the interests of the citizens of the city. We are ready to engage with anyone who wishes to counter this offensive, which the Port of Trieste certainly lead to a definitive decline. Serve, to begin, a few slogans: reconfirmation of the President of the Port Authority, investment and logistics platform for the immediate construction of a real project, realistic and less expensive for the Northern Adriatic ports, starting from the enhancement of existing features and capabilities.

order to take this battle you must leave the "cage" equidistance, which are also inexplicably relegated authoritative voices of the local PD. It 'good that the city knows that without the port will not have a problem to some hundreds of jobs, but we deal with thousands of job losses. Anybody want this?

Trieste, 27.12.2010

Igor Kocijančič

Regional Councillor PRC - SE

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chemo Scarf With Hair

"Superporti and Christmas gifts for silly"

But why insist on telling fibs? Would not be saying much, reading the last chapter, in chronological order, the sci-fi saga called Superporto Unicredit. We start from the time of construction assumed by the forecast data and employment: a scheme (in 2033!) Superporto of the 600 employees will Monfalcone. But there is, at present, a technician or expert in port and logistics can predict now what will be the framework for national, international, and especially the organization of work at the terminal and port in 2033?

in supporting the view of future development at the expense of Trieste, Monfalcone (cut off) it states that the seventh pier would be too small, being able to move in perspective only 1.2 million TEUs per year, having rail links and poor and inadequate above all, the current TO Delta dealer, Pierluigi Maneschi not be available to a partnership with Maersk (which is already involving the Cosco in Vado Ligure, while Monfalcone count on synergies MSC). But can anyone really believe that Maersk and Maneschi can not reach an agreement if they really realize how much traffic there propinano the papers?

Another pearl: the Council of Ministers will approve the agreement between the State region that will in time immediately following the appointment of a special commissioner to oversee all phases of the project and ensure compliance with the times, the primary condition for the center bet the base of the whole operation. To name a figure like this (and will remain in office until 2033?) Is a legislative coverage that we believe it is quick and easy approval, given the current climate in the vicinity of the Parliament and Government. Besides, we believe it is virtually impossible to find, at present, someone who can vouch for the timing of realization of any project, even if it were to respond to failures with their lives.

And finally, when it comes lightly dredging for a total of 9.3 million cubic meters of muddy material, probably contaminated, you should also specify where you intend to place. Maybe in the garden of the special commissioner ...

What would happen in practice? Most likely in 2016, after spending public money abundant, Monfalcone and Trieste Molo VII (which will still be waiting by the CIPE money for logistics platform) will be forced to divide the 300,000 containers handled currently by only port of Trieste.

Trieste, 15.12.2010

Igor Kocijančič

PRC Regional Director - SE

Iztok Furlanic and Marino Andolina

municipal councilors PRC - SE

Monday, December 13, 2010

Command Conquer 3 Install Interrupted

"Novelli preaches evil and scratching worse on

Verrebbe da dire “beata ignoranza”, se nel caso in questione non fosse impossibile tirare in ballo l’ignoranza delle materie trattate. Al collega Novelli corre l’obbligo di chiarire che certamente non esistono minoranze di serie A e di serie B, ma piuttosto che questo Governo vorrebbe, se potesse, relegare tutte le minoranze in serie C. Da parte sua invece, si ricava l’impressione che vorrebbe, se potesse, elevare al rango di serie A solo la minoranza linguistica friulana e la comunità germanofona, togliendo possibilmente qualcosa alla minoranza slovena, secondo lui ingiustamente privilegiata.

Farebbe senz’altro un servizio migliore alla comunità regionale se avesse la bontà di documentarsi meglio e di rileggersi le cronache relative all’iter di approvazione della legge regionale per la tutela della lingua friulana e probabilmente si stupirebbe nel trovare tra i più strenui oppositori di quella norma tanti suoi colleghi dell’attuale maggioranza, che all’epoca si compiacquero del fatto di aver bloccato l’iter di approvazione di quella legge per tre sessioni di consiglio regionale, unitamente, è giusto rilevarlo, ad alcuni settori miopi del sindacalismo e del centrosinistra local, always at the time, warned of the danger feared by the regional community of friulanizzazione of Trieste.

regard to the protection of the German-speaking community, can not deny that the law has been approved unanimously by the Regional Council on a proposal of the deputy leader of the PDL and which should also requests the reasons of the inadequate funding of this provision to come regional spread of the majority of which is an expression Mr Novelli.

Finally, when he said that the Slovene minority will receive with the law 38/2001 "more" of € 5.3 million shows not to have noticed that currently own those funds are the only state that receives the Slovenian minority, because his junta and its majority have already taken steps to clear the regional fund for the Slovenian minority with financial 2010.

Trieste, 13.12.2010

Igor Kocijančič

Regional Council PRC - SE

Group Board Chairman The Left The Rainbow

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Words Of Sympathy French

appointment of the next President of the Port of Trieste

"Notes summary of the press conference dd. 25.11.2010 "

Recent advances and media hype about what could be the likely future of the Presidency of the Port Authority of Trieste stem mainly from the name given by the Minister Matteoli.
not concern us here the merits of other previews, predictions and connections to other levels and institutional roles, primarily as a future center-right candidate for mayor of Trieste, which reproduce The sickening litany of issues divider in a PDL and a coalition bogged down and now marked by the mere settling of accounts between internal factions and currents inside the PDL, the latest new political allies and increasingly noisy.
We are interested to point out that in the past 15 year history of the Port Authority of Trieste, ignoring the period of the Presidency Fusaroli and commissioners who have followed until the entry into force of Law 84/94, or the appointment of Dr. Lacalamita (June 1995) to the first President of the Port of Trieste, at the helm of this institution there have been three presidents and three or four Commissioners (Dr. Maresca nel 1999, il dott. Mucci a cavallo degli anni 2003 e 2004 e la dott.ssa Monassi nella primavera del 2006).
Senza voler far torto a nessuno, possiamo affermare che la presidenza Lacalamita si è trovata con il problema, non indifferente, di introdurre l’attuazione di un quadro ed un assetto legislativo completamente nuovo, ad oggi ancora non pienamente attuato o quantomeno applicato in modo disomogeneo in tutta Italia, la presidenza del prof. Maresca è stata caratterizzata da una forte presenza mediatica ed enunciativa (un po’ come sta succedendo adesso con il cosiddetto progetto Unicredit) – operativamente caratterizzata dalla concessione alla TICT Luka Koper il ruolo di terminalista al Molo VII, la presidenza Monassi si is distinct, as well as his previous term as secretary general of the PA, on the face of warnings, appeals and responses, we can not say that management has been marked by a particularly bright and great operational success.
Bonicciolli At the period of presidency (2006-2010), we can say, based on objective data and not personal sympathies, we are faced with the best possible management of the last 15 years, as well as having recorded a steady increase of trades (see graphics), provided for structural improvements to the budget by bringing a pasivo 4 million active current of 12.5 million euro, launched and implemented an internal reorganization that has produced reliable results in efficiency and effectiveness, has taken steps to revalue the State fees according to the indexes set at national level, has been able to carry out their duties in certain authoritative as provided by law, without going into groped vaguely spurious attempts to carry out operational roles, which expressly provides for the 84/94 business is conducted by third parties. It 'also failed, this Presidency to complete the approval of the new port master plan which has been debated for twenty years without any results.
The indication seems to produce an acceleration of the Minister Matteoli, we totally inappropriate, in the direction an appointment, that of Dr. Monassi, on which hangs the future also the ruling of the Court of Auditors on the issue of concession fees Greensisam. What would happen if there were, in the spring of 2011, when presumably the Audit Court will decide, a ruling adverse to the former and perhaps future president of the PA of Trieste.
the light of the long introduction, but most of the objective data and reported results should be the same minister Claudio Boniccciolli to believe the best candidate to succeed himself. And please, do not pull in ridiculous dance master data issues, which are not directed almost never the substance of the issues and merits of people.

Trieste, 25.11.2010 Igor
PRC Regional Director - SE

Friday, November 19, 2010

Difference Between Simvastatin Pravastatin

"In the spirit of the Primaries"

The primaries are first and foremost a "positive competition, opportunity and means to expand the active participation of citizens. Should be, this, a statement widely shared at least within the broad array of forces that signed the spatial orientations of the upcoming primaries for the selection of the next mayoral candidate of the center left.
E 'therefore completely inappropriate to speak of fragmentation on the left. Both Marino Andolina, Alessandro Metz are not two flags are both, two candidates who speak to left and can both mobilize and turn on the interests that go well beyond the political forces they represent and in which militate. According to Lauri's statements seem almost to Trieste SEL is the sole trustee of the proposed power unit on the left. E 'instead, or at least a serious mistake, in my opinion, did not submit an application Young, which could be to Vanja Macovaz that, particularly at this time of turmoil in the student world, would have aroused much interest, especially among younger and contribute to their more active participation.

Trieste, 19.11.2010
Igor Kocijančič
PRC Regional Council - SE

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Iso Flex Protein Shakes

"Provisions for the Platform chain? Maybe another time ... "

Yesterday there was in Rome, yet another meeting of the CIPE (Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning), which were approved as many as 16 different projects and programs, resulting in allocation of financial resources and in which , for the umpteenth time, has not even been put on the agenda or discussed the game on the Logistics Platform of Trieste.
Trieste and its port were left again at the stake by the ruler or, if not more rules, continues to support the center-right governments at various levels, from local to national. In
fee was approved the "final draft della piastra portuale di Taranto” con annessa assegnazione di 33,60 milioni di euro.
Riteniamo che ogni ulteriore commento sia superfluo.

Trieste, 18.11.2010
Igor Kocijančič
Consigliere regionale PRC – SE

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cheese Omlet Calories Ihop

" Margherita and the Bishop of Trieste "

E’ forse da ascrivere unicamente all’improvvida solerzia interpretativa del “clima politico” cittadino da parte di alcuni ACE officials apical Triestina "deletion" Margherita Hack from the role of public testimonials in support of influenza vaccination in the forthcoming public campaign that the company is preparing to launch or health is, upstream, a directive of the party political currently commands, which he deliberately wanted to "hit" the scientist in Trieste, a character very well known nationally and internationally - from the public profile and very well defined - but certainly better testimonial to a campaign of prevention?

It 's a question that is an immediate response to a question, which we will submit, because someone will have to respond to public funds already allocated for posters and videos that are likely to be unused.

It would appear that the profile path by the bishop of Trieste for the mayor, or more broadly, the political ideal - man who respects the values \u200b\u200bof non-negotiable principles (respect for life, protection of the family based on marriage between men and women, freedom of education of the children and, last but not least, social justice) is already taken in other sectors. The Hack has many faults: she is a woman, an atheist, for the benefit of the public school and probably not a trend towards the single family model recognized by the Church.

There is a strong hint of hypocrisy in an interview today of Bishop Crepaldi, especially when it states that "personal conduct does not establish the principles, a program" and so blessed that half myriad of situations, mostly found in the center-right coalitions , where you can safely cross to the family based on marriage, divorce also having some shoulder. Just the military in the party with the right program and the fact that flying is the group of individual behaviors to reinforce the values \u200b\u200band principles. Moreover, even the new bishop of Trieste has so far shown a great interest in the events 'political' city, ran into some contradictions, was able to combine respect for life with the support of nuclear power and, despite being in the public domain and its frequent proximity to the local notables of the center-right, he can not do anything better interviews that the level is obscurantist. There is already regretting that its predecessor.

Trieste, 22.10.2010

Igor Kocijančič

PRC Regional Director - SE

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fluid In Heart And Lungs

" Superporto Trieste - Monfalcone details dancers "

It is very reassuring indeed to learn that the breakfast meeting opened yesterday in Rome by Minister Frattini to take stock of the Unicredit Project, aka "Superporto regional Trieste - Monfalcone" was used to break the deadlock and has registered the interest of Maersk, the largest global player in container traffic. Eivind Kording, CEO of Maersk, confirmed the strong interest of the giant multinational Danish megaterminal future management of the container (the new terminal at Monfalcone + doubling of Molo Seventh Trieste). Would have already decided to integrate it on the front rail, and already Frattini promises to present the draft at a meeting of the Council of Ministers in mid-November. Moreover, it would already decided to appoint a commissioner for the project, despite the absence of a legal and regulatory framework (national and regional) that currently allow this type of solution.

Then there is another factor, significant for those who are closely following the evolution of the so-called Project Unicredit (we believe that journalists should be more careful categorized), which covers the ballet numbers already begun before the project is actually sketched: it is started with the sounding of a prophecy superporto 3 million TEUs, heedless of the concerns of those who stated (and continues to report) that the figure is completely unrealistic. Today it is said that Maersk is bringing a half million TEUs (three are at the half, but still too many), mostly diverted from the ports of northern Europe.

The same Maersk, which is involved even on a draft plate logistics in Vado Ligure (Savona and Genova), is the announcement in the nineteenth century and "Shipping on line" of 1 October, would have difficulties to ensure the 750,000 containers per year are necessary to secure financing platform Vado Ligure and should therefore already woven into negotiations with Cosco (giant Chinese container) to be able to fill the spaces in the design of the new quay.

At this point, some questions naturally arise: Why did the first amateur company in the world can not fill the needs of the Ligurian terminal (Tyrrhenian Sea) and easily be able to move one million and a half containers on Monfalcone and Trieste? Why Cosco, which is probably the biggest competitor of the Danes, should enrich their work and its contribution to the Maersk container own?

At the risk of again being accused of defeatism that we would like to sponsor some of the enlightened superporto (ministers, politicians, bankers, businessmen, trade unionists, journalists), sure they understand more than we do, we'll explain a little 'why numbers of these dancers. Maybe we can convince that the project exists and that it is not, as we continue to believe, words and, above numbers (TEUs) in freedom ...

Trieste, 12.10.2010

Igor Kocijančič

Regional Councillor PRC - SE

Thursday, September 30, 2010

P90x Plyometrics Workout Free Live Stream

Towards a New Group Board of Trieste of the PDL?

As often happens, the reporters had not including those who had turned the rhetoric of courtly and Paolo Ciani had already unbalanced in misleading predictions on what and how many councilors of the PDL could create a hypothetical new band council and the Future of Freedom in FVG. Today, the intervention of my colleague Maurizio Bucci explained that within the PDL region there is a divergence between ex aennini line and ex FI. The Fijians then there are, while the issue is a territorial claim to greater weight of the regional capital, dramatically "absent from the top positions of the junta and the Regional Council (presidents and vice presidents are all from Friuli). In Friuli Venezia Giulia
then we will not see the Future and Freedom (pace of Menia), but could constitute, within the PDL a new regional group "Trieste and more Sunday opening, arch rival of" The other Trieste, "but perhaps intended, over time, in the heart of Trieste to replace the now defunct List for Trieste.

Trieste, 30.09.2010
Igor Kocijančič
PRC Regional Director - SE Group Board Chairman
The Left The Rainbow

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kates Playground Rope


After the interview published by Piccolo in Trieste the other day on non-renewal of fixed-term contract Ferriera a worker who had been the victim of a serious injury will emerge other "inconvenient truth" about treatment of workers within the plant Servolo. Working conditions that were incurred because the workers are subjected to employment blackmail.

And 'is significant that the complaints always come after a dismissal after an injury and instead are production workers who observe a strict silence.

On the role of certain trade unionists who are our ambassadors of the opinion is clear: it starts with the consultation and you end up co-manage the problems with the office staff giving up the role and tasks of protecting workers.

relaunch the proposal that we made on our publication in February of this year. The judiciary should provide a secure mechanism to collect the testimonies of workers forced into silence in recent years by employment blackmail. Only by starting with a "full" knowledge of what happens inside the plant, becoming only the direct testimony of employees on how you work and what are the risks you can begin to discuss and propose the appropriate choices for building a project for the city \u200b\u200bthat will also solve the node Ferriera.

This piece of truth that has emerged from the interview published by Little can be a beginning and not a mere incident of August.

Igor Kocijancic

FVG Regional Council

Communist Refoundation - SE

TRIESTE August 19, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How Does A Fibre Optic Tree Work

"Superporto Trieste - Monfalcone, virtual project more than ever,"

now, also because of the immediate response to a response was received yesterday at the Regional Council signed in, you can safely say that the debate concerning the so-called Superporto Trieste - Monfalcone is essentially a media debate on a virtual project, since, as he had occasion to state in court the commissioner Riccardi "on this working hypothesis have been held so far include conferences and round tables to the feasibility of the proposal and the degree its share by the institutions. "

a clear answer, that at least resize the news a few days ago, which was confirmed by Unicredit of Logistics, the submission of a complete and accompanied by business plans for the September 30 superporto of Trieste and Monfalcone , stressing that the search for private partners for the operation is not restricted to giant Maersk but also other leading actors of the shipping companies, as well as to private companies of Friuli Venezia Giulia. In addition, Unicredit, also in advances made by the press, would require the appointment of a special commissioner with "absolute technical and professional competence" as a condition essential for the development of the logistics hub of Trieste and Monfalcone. In the query

immediate response to myself just asked if the Region FVG considered legitimate and normal for Unicredit Logistics, until proven otherwise private person and so far only a carrier of specific interest to make up the so-called superporto, may request the figure commissioner, defining the characteristics, reaching even to the prediction of regional port authority and only if it considers, the Region, that this would pose a risk of deposing of public institutions in charge to decide on the port, and finally, if the Due to continuous delays in funding for the logistics platform of the Port of Trieste is not to look for in a fast-track the national government and the region itself are apparently giving the above-named project Unciredit.

The answer councilor, which are very long and consists of two pages, clearly puts on one point: there is no project Unicredit, but a working hypothesis, on which there has been meetings and round tables. No claims were even instances in order to obtain public lands or concessions in the ports concerned and therefore, the councilor words, there are no administrative procedures in place that require a conclusion of proceedings by the region. At present there are assessments of political and technical nature of a general nature, appreciation of the initiative that the council considers it appropriate not to waste an opportunity to investigate possible development of the port in the region with the help of private capital. In this sense, the council has recently taken a generality with which he has expressed an interest to investigate the possibility of development in question.

were fired out of tune titles in newspapers and television stations in regard to the actual texture of progettoUnicredit or are too conservative, compared to the set, even the President Tondo, practical steps really made so far by the Regional Council?

knowing it would be appropriate, as it would be appropriate to address a serious debate to see if a port authority can represent a real unique regional advantage or whether, on the contrary, as we believe, carries the risk of a downgrade from Trieste port of national interest in a part of a regional port system niche, which surely would not have any interest in Maersk and other hypothetical investors, as well as, obviously, are believed to be entirely hypothetical, in light of the officially declared by ' Councillor Riccardi, eight hundred million euro would be Unicredit Logistics willing to invest in the operation.

Trieste, 29.07.2010

Igor Kocijančič

PRC Regional Director - SE

Using Eyepiece Camera In Linux

Regional Council
Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia



ADVISER Questioner: Igor Kocijancic


PURPOSE: In the latest reports of Unicredit and "Superporto" Trieste - Monfalcone .-

Given that recently appeared in the local press Unicredit Logistics news that would have confirmed the submission of a complete and accompanied by business plans for the so-called Superporto of Trieste and Monfalcone, and requesting the appointment of a special commissioner with complete technical and professional competence "as a precondition for the development of logistics hub of Trieste and Monfalcone, Unicredit detected that would già delineato assetto, costi e “cronoprogramma” della struttura commissariale, che dovrebbe operare presso il Commissariato del Governo e supportata finanziariamente da Governo, Regione e Società di corridoio (partecipata da Unicredit e da altre imprese partner) che dovrebbe ricevere in concessione le aree demaniali per avviare i lavori e concluderli entro quattro anni; Dato atto che tali linee di indirizzo sarebbero state discusse in una recente riunione al Consiglio dei Ministri, alla presenza di rappresentanti di vari ministeri (Economia, Esteri, Trasporti), del sottosegretario all’Ambiente, del vice presidente di Unicredit Logistics e dell’assessore regionale ai trasporti;

Tutto ciò premesso, Ask the President signed the
of the county council or the competent regional councilor
to know if the Region FVG considers legitimate and "normal" Unicredit Logistics, until proven otherwise private party and so far the only carrier of interest for the establishment of the so-called superporto, commissioner may require the figure, defining the characteristics, reaching even to the prediction of regional Port Authority and to determine if one is not satisfied, the Friuli Venezia Giulia, that this would pose a risk of deposing of public institutions in charge to decide on port and if the cause of the continued delay in funding for the platform Logistics of the Port of Trieste is not to look for in a fast-track the national government and the region itself are apparently giving the above-named project Unicredit.

Igor Kocijancic

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gran Turismo 5 Helmets

But what good is the mother of the jota? First fruits of the poisoned

learn from the press that the mother of the Regional Federica Seganti jota excellent cuisine, even "some of the finest Jote Trieste. What at first glance may seem a statement of lightness, is instead a statement very challenging, because it presupposes value judgments expressed in absolute terms. How many Jote tasted Federica Seganti to grant the status of excellence alla zuppa della mamma? Dovrebbero essere migliaia, almeno centinaia. Se così non fosse la sua sarebbe un’affermazione che lascia il tempo che trova e ci indurrebbe a pensare che la jota di sua mamma non sia per niente eccezionale. Mostratemi la figlia (o figlio) degenere che non parla bene della cucina materna.
Se invece il metro di valutazione per la jota della mamma è analogo a quello utilizzato per stilare il bilancio positivo del proprio operato da assessore a pianificazione territoriale, autonomie locali e sicurezza, relazioni internazionali e comunitarie, allora saremmo indotti a ritenere che la jota della mamma non dev’essere poi così buona…
L’assessore Seganti si promuove, citando a mo’ di risultati obtained the building code, the rifoma local police, to put the (sic) of the mountain communities and the reorganization of the Community. You forgot to clarify that the reform of local police was a result achieved by the regional council that has made a synthesis of different designs and bills already filed, that the mere deletion of an entity is not the achievement of a result and we still anxiously waiting to discuss the alternatives and the most frequently stated the text of the reform of local governments. Not a word about the total failure of security policies, not even the glimmer of a self-critical reflection on the myriad of mediumistic utterances remained suspended in space. In short, a two years of talk and very modest results. Among
a bit 'the delegation will Seganti certainly more "tough", such as business, with the multitude of emergencies related to them. Expect to be compared in this respect. The Northern League also won in FVG the opportunity to demonstrate its value, such as on the front of the block of relocation. In September we will need stamina and energy sources. We recommend a "drip de jota" (the mother).

Trieste, 07.07.2010
Igor Kocijančič
PRC Regional Director - SE