Thursday, December 17, 2009

Breathing Rate For German Shepherd

February 28, 2011

With huge disappointment, had suddenly learned that the publisher Editori Riuniti, contrary to all assurances, has failed to print the new edition of the book 'There was NEVER Pieta,''which author are, are forced to announce the cancellation of the presentation organized on the occasion of the re-release scheduled for the day and March 2 at 18:30, in Stone # 70, at the ancient oratory of the arch Bergamaschi, with concerts and de Gregorio prof. Morcellini and other esteemed journalists.

I apologize to those who worked for the organization of the event with the distinguished speakers who had so kindly agreed to participate and all the guests.

Angela Camuso

Editori Riuniti has

"Never was there mercy. The Magliana band from 1977 to today"

Angela Camuso

Enrico Mentana, former director Tg5 "It 's the story of a seriously criminal history without criminal is the adjective to put together a novel. Because the real tragedy that we experienced from the perspective of journalism and the judiciary is to create a kind of myth in recent years, and 'a book that was needed and should be read as an alternative in Romanzo Criminale "

Paolo Mieli, President RCS " This is a book of a person who has desire to understand and not judge, an open book, a book smart, intellectually honest book, Angela Camuso did a great, great job. "

Valentino Parlato, Il Manifesto " Un grande lavoro di documentazione che è stato trasformato in letteratura, cioè in scrittura, tant'è che si legge come un romanzo, ci si appassiona alle storie, ci si chiede come andrà a finire nella pagina successiva..."

Lidia Ravera, scrittrice "disturbing as the investigation of a reporter scrupulous and courageous, charming as a great little novel"

Ferdinando Imposimato, former magistrate "The book speaks for the first time to people who have been unfairly tried and acquitted despite overwhelming evidence, this is a sign of great courage of the author journalist Angela Camus, who has reconstructed episodes that I have not found in any other book "

Antonio Mancini former chief historian of Banda " This wrote that Angela is the only book that Camuso reconstructs things without adding anything of his own, writes the truth. Here is the story "

Guido Salvini, magistrate " pity there was never "is a story a part of the history of your city and the underwater life of this country, attracting the first page and makes it difficult to stop reading. copies of this book should be sold before the Basilica of St Apollinaris and given away to those who are responsible for the impressive Basilica to commemorate the burial of De Pedis offends a place of worship and the feelings of this civilian city "

Massimo Martinelli, The Messenger: "This book on the Banda Magliana not call it yet another book about the band, it actually has more merit. It 'written by Angela Camuso. A journalist uncontrollable, unmanageable, however, a perhaps uncomfortable working and that each department head would be at his service. "

Giancarlo Capaldo, deputy prosecutor of Rome "Never was there mercy" is distinct from other books on the band as it allows the Magliana asistematicità right in characterizing it to provide elements of assessment that would say they are also the projection of the courage, the passion that animated Angela Camuso writing without excessive scale or literal nor style, without spasmodic attention to the consequences of certain statements ... basically I do not think you want and we can write the word on the Banda Magliana .. of which today remains a cultural background "

General Conforti: . .. share what he wrote Camus, it is true that the bandits had managed so well to create relations, institutional relations at any level or less .. This book helps us understand that certain things are still "

Time " A fresco of epic Magliana band now comes Camuso Angela's book "Never was there pity," Editori Riuniti. Camuso said, with a strong style crime reporter, unmediated and without bias, and by reading the transcript of hundreds of minutes of new and interesting background information of the becoming of this group of offenders turned township nel braccio operativo di oscure macchinazioni.

Inedite le lettere dal covo prigione del gioielliere Roberto Giansanti rapito il 16 maggio 1977. «Carò papà, carissimi tutti, sono nelle mani di un'organizzazione forte e decisa a tutto. Se volete salvarmi fate quanto vi sarà richiesto», scriveva il sequestrato." di M. Piccirilli

Il Giornale "... Per chiarire che la banda della Magliana è ancora viva, tanto da spaventare nuovi arrivati sulla piazza della capitale and old enemies. A holding company of the crime fully functional.
is also the thesis work on the band's last Magliana, "Never There was mercy," Mrs Angela Camus, a scrupulous nerista that spares nothing and no one to tell, without rhetoric and censorship , deeds and misdeeds of the Magliana. A book, like few others, relies on thousands of legal documents, confidential information or records of hundreds of players, however, intertwined with the group of fire in the capital. "My idea - says the author - was to tell the true story of this band with a simple language to understand and not as one can say definitively an end to this chapter. "St. Vladovich

Unit " Never was there pity, history of the band Magliana from 1977 to today reflects two things typical of the journalistic style of the author, Mrs Angela Camuso. The first: the work live, the story, the testimonies of victims and the language of the bandits. Executioners in the case of kidnapping concluded evil, like that of Duke Grazioli Lante della Rovere, who never returned home. The living language of criminals who show cynicism and vulgarity but also inadequacy and confusion. The second element is connected to the first: try to understand how it was possible that this band where they mature senior figures at the beginning but that is an aggregate of elements fools, unable to build relationships and support in areas of institutional, political, religious, administrative of justice. Angela Camuso dig in this direction with great determination, finding obscure aspects and also a world of pseudomillantatori or boastful. "

Agi "A recount the rise, apogee and decline of Banda Magliana and 'a new book," Never was there mercy' "(Editori Riuniti, 440 pages, 15 €), written by Angela Camus, a journalist with long experience of black and judicial, able to marry the curiosity 'of the reporter to the rigor of the historian. "

APCOM "with" No pity there was "Angela Camuso, you can add that criminals "made in '70" seem worse than others, worn only from the business and too many intrigues to earn more, to be or feel stronger. The documented essay by the journalist, published by Editori Riuniti, through the minutes of the different processes, confidential information between law enforcement, remember names, places and circumstances ... and fills a void left by many observers

ADNKronos " " Never was there mercy "is the true story of the Magliana gang, strictly faithful in every detail, the legal documents. In the light of hundreds of minutes of interviews and informative riservate di polizia giudiziaria l'autrice descrive e fa parlare i protagonisti senza omettere nomi, luoghi e circostanze in una sequenza agghiacciante e avvincente di delitti, intrighi e misteri raccontata dalla parte dei banditi assassini, figli maledetti del popolo e della miseria, che iniziano la loro sanguinosa parabola nell'ultimo scorcio dei turbolenti anni '70 per arrivare ai giorni nostri, allorchË gli orfani superstiti della banda occuperanno ancora un posto nell'Olimpo della nuova malavita imprenditoriale"

Intervento del giudice Guido Salvini,
bed in place of Sant'Apollinare May 12, 2010,
during the presentation of "Never pity there was" -Judge-guido-salvini-on-banda.html


Today, May 10, 2010, I learned from the police headquarters in Rome that the famous Enrico Nicoletti, so-called "banker" of the Magliana gang, asked through his lawyer Massimo Biffa, Tiziana pm to Cousins, the seizure of that volume as anti- sua reputazione.
La richiesta è contenuta in un esposto querela per diffamazione a mezzo stampa.
Ribadisco che Enrico Nicoletti è stato condannato in giudicato per l'appartenenza alla banda della Magliana e ricordo gli innumerevoli procedimenti giudiziari che lo hanno visto e lo vedono protagonista: ultima un'indagine aperta di recente presso la Dda di Napoli, mentre com'è noto Nicoletti è sotto processo sempre a Napoli (per il riciclaggio dei soldi dei Casalesi) e anche a Roma, dove è accusato di associazione mafiosa e ha già incassato una condanna in primo grado per associazione a delinquere finalizzata, tra le altre cose, all'usura e al riciclaggio.
Angela Camuso

Speak Antonio Mancini, said the beggar, the former head of the Banda della Magliana during the presentation of the book "Never was there pity! The Magliana band from 1977 to today," Angela Camuso
cynicism, vulgarity and no mercy ... the bandwidth of the Magliana
Jolanda Bufalini


"Never pity there was" Angela Camuso demolishes the myth of Banda Magliana 01/mai-ci-fu-pieta-angela-camuso-intervista.html

Rainews24 interview Angela Camuso and Ferdinando Imposimato
December 23, 2009 Part 1

Rainews24 Part 2
http://www. / watch? v = VQ6XI8_j6Ik

Rainews24 Part 3

Interview for RAI Radio Uno Trans-Wave Books

Interview for Radio Citta 'Futura December 6, 2009

span style = 'color: # FF0000; ">, 22012553.html? pmk = rss


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